Monday, 24 June 2019

Spray paints or inks - Tando Creative

I've made a tag for this theme today at Tando Creative.

I used a media board painted with gesso and when dry scraped white modeling paste through a stencil.

These pieces I took from a bits box which were already painted - leftovers from previous projects.

I also grabbed these from another bits box of Tando leftovers to add to the design. As you can see these were not painted or sealed so I started by gluing these to the media board ...

.... and when dry I gave it all a coat of gesso.

Next I sprayed some water based and DecoArt white mister over the surface, dried it and repeated again to give me my base  colours ...

.... and then dribbled some watery media acrylic paints, ....

.... sanded and inked the edges of the board and finished with some splatters of titanium white.

Because the sprays I used were water based they created some lovely mottled effects together when I spritzed them and when I repeated the layer. 


Media board, chipboards.
Andy Skinner stamps and stencils
DecoArt Media gesso, misters


Lisa said...

It's absolutely stunning, Brenda!! The texture is amazing!! I love the rusty bits and all of the gorgeous details!! Wow!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

A Pink said...

This is fantastic , Brenda from start to finish I love it loads .
Hugs x

Patty O'Malley said...

Wonderful tag, Brenda!

Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, what an amazing tag! I love the rusty elements and enjoyed seeing how all those layers came together - beautiful 😀. Wishing you a wonderful week! Jo x

hazel said...

A wonderful Tag Brenda, lovely textures.
xxx Hazel.

Words and Pictures said...

Well, that's how to use up your leftovers for sure! Gorgeous rusty hinge, and I love the swirl of the stencilled texture, highlighted (or shadowed) by the layers of paint. Fabulous as always.
Alison x