Sunday, 24 July 2016

Weathered Beach huts for CVC

I am sharing some of the workshop photos from yesterday over on the Country View Crafts Project Blog today.

I loved creating the Weathered Beach huts with a brand new technique from me to achieve this very weathered and aged wood effect.

I always believe the best finish is in the detail and here we have faux rusty nail heads ....

.... roof details and door latches.

On the back are some maritime and beach elements.

Because we changed venue to CVC headquarters with Susan as host I made her this set of beach huts in the colours she wanted.

All the products are from Country View Crafts and all the mediums and paints are from the DecoArt Media line.

I hope you have enjoyed my 'show and tell' here, there are more workshop photos on the CVC Project blog.

Have a great week.

hugs Brenda xxx