Saturday 12 October 2013

Creative Chemistry 102 - Day 5

Firstly welcome to new followers who have come aboard lately, thanks so much for joining me here and being part of my creative journey.

Second CC102 post for today and although it says day 5, I have not yet completed day 2 and will be going back to that to get it completed, especially as it’s about stencilling. Day 5 though is about embossing effects and Tim had more great techniques to share with us, six in fact.
Again some we have seen before either in Compendium of Curiosities or on Tim’s monthly tags.
#26 – Rusting
#27 – Sticky Glitter (unfortunately I couldn't get a photo to show the glitter but it is there, beautiful glittered snowflakes that twinkle in the light – wish you could see them. I will try again later if the light changes.
#28 – Sticky Leafing
#29 – Shabby Chic
#30 Tarnished Silver with a special mention of Shelly Hickox who first shared this technique on her blog STAMPTRAMP a couple of years ago.
#31 – Chalkboard. I have to say I found this the most difficult of all the techniques and as you can see it will take me a while to perfect it and this was my second go at it.

Hope you are having fun playing with new techniques this weekend and if you are still unsure whether to enrol in Creative Chemistry 102, I thoroughly recommend it. I am off to see if I can get Day 2 finished now, but so far this week I have completed 23 tags, not bad at all lol. If you haven’t seen the other posts from me and would like to, you can find them by clicking the day to jump you over.

Have a great Saturday afternoon and evening.

Take care.

hugs {brenda} x0x

Creative Chemistry 102 – Day 4 and Blogworthy Link

The focus for  CC102 Day 4 is alcohol inks and I have completed four of the five techniques Tim has shown us and what fabulous techniques to play with. I am sure we have all played with aspects of these techniques but Tim has put them all in one place and as for every day each technique has it’s own video.
Alcohol inks are a medium I don’t turn to very often, but I can see me using these more in my projects.
#21 – Faux Patina
#23 – Ombre
#24 – Monoprint
#25 – Faded Layers

Aren’t they just amazing techniques and look fabulous irl.

So it’s a very happy day for me today. Firstly Tinder (my cat no 2) who has been poorly didn’t have to have all those tests, x-rays and scopes yesterday as they sedated him first and found a very long piece of grass stuck in his throat that also went up into his nasal passage. No wonder he felt so poorly and was coughing and retching all the time, it had irritated his throat so much it was bleeding. Bless him. But he’s safely home now and is obviously feeling alot better, thank goodness for such lovely vets and  nurses at Farnborough Hill Veterinary Centre.

Secondly I got home last night after a lovely evening with friends to find that my dear friend Terry had posted on Face Book that I had a special mention from Tim on his blog post showing his latest Blogworthy Links. My Halloween canvas had obviously caught his eye . (Full post HERE)
How lucky an I? And that’s the second Blogworthy mention I have had this year. So a huge thank you to Tim, I am so glad you liked it.

Having rained during the night we now have a lovely sunny morning and all is good in the world. Long may it last.

Have a great weekend and some super creative time.

hugs {brenda} x0x