Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Ministry of Mixology 2015

It has been a very busy week and weekend for me with prepping a workshop project and teaching in Bedfordshire on Saturday and then after I had finished I was able to drive on up to Coventry and meet up with some of my wonderful AVJ sisters at The Ministry of Mixology retreat. 

This amazing event was organised by Di and Tony from Tando Creative and featured the extremely talented Andy Skinner and Michelle Webb as tutors. I also spent 2 hours demoing on Saturday evening before Jennie (Live the Dream) and I could get to the bar for something to eat and sadly we didn't get any photos of this to share. But I was able to meet up with Alison (Words and Pictures), Anne (Redanne) and Julie (Juliz Design Post) as well and spend time with all of them during the workshop on the Sunday. It was so relaxing to then be the other side of the table.

We made covers for a notebook using DecoArt media line acrylic paints and mediums .....

.... and Andy's Industrial Elements.

Each of the cogs, nuts, bolts and screws are from the kit and made of chipboard, but you wouldn't think that to look at them here would you?

Andy was also very generous with give-aways during the day and you can see here a fabulous stencil set that I won from the DecoArt range. Thanks Andy.

I was so busy enjoying myself I didn't take any photos, but here are a couple Julie's husband too of us AVJ teamies.

Off to get some planning done for my next workshops.

Have a great week.

hugs Brenda xxx

Update - I've just nicked this from Andy's FB page - I'm sure he won't mind xxx