Saturday, 23 September 2017

Exciting news and new Journal

I've been sitting on this news for a little while but I'm really happy to announce that I am joining the Tando Creative Design Team and will be working with the fabulous Tando greyboard, acrylic and mdf products as well as continuing with demonstrating and teaching make and takes at the Mixology retreats and I'm so looking forward to it. So much so I recently attended one of Di's workshops at Let's Be Creative and made a new journal with her.

We all had fun using the Tando Art Journal Starter Kit which is a journalling kit laser cut from sturdy 2250 micron greyboard and consists of the following: 

2 x covers, 1 x drilled spine, 1 x 800 micron wrap around cover, 25 sheets A4 good quality cartridge paper, 2 book-binding needles and 10m of good quality book-binding thread.

I took a few pictures at the beginning of the process but then the concentration and the enjoyment of just sitting and making took over and the camera for forgotten.

I used one of the new stencils Di has designed that have added holes that will fit a standard ring mechanism. (The bottom right)

The stencil had crackle paste through it,

everything got a coat of gesso to prime and seal the greyboard,

the spine was given lots of gesso texture and layers of grungy, rusty paint,

and I also had fun playing with the Tando birds .....

..... keeping them to brown/black neutral colours.

Once everything was painted I assembled the journal - and here you can see the front, back and spine.

The front cover and ........

,,,,, the back cover.

It was a fabulous day and although these cute birds are not normally my style I wanted to play outside my comfort zone and loved the finished effects of the painting and stamping on them using the DecoArt media acrylics.

I wonder what else I will come up with with Di's products?????? We'll have to wait and see.
If you haven't visited the Tando Blog do pop over to see this journal and stop awhile to see lots of other fabulous inspiration.

Thanks for stopping by.

Enjoy your weekend.

hugs Brenda xxx