Oh I am getting frustrated, my internet connection is in and out like a fiddler's elbow at the moment and trying to get into blogland is so difficult. Been going on for ages too, I was supposed to get a call from the complaints department yesterday or the day before, they must be inundated cos they haven't contacted me yet!!!!! Perhaps that's another complaint to make lol.
Anyhow, onto even more important stuff.
Here is my desk (photo taken last night) and as you can see it's a total mess this week. I seem to have about 5 projects on the go and inbetween I made a tag and posted yesterday just cos I wanted to.
You can see a canvas I am working on on the foreground and that's my next workshop later this month. My Compendium of Curiosities and tools and equipment that all needs tidying away so I can get a space to carry on.
So dear Julia and WOYWWers what do you make of this lot then?
If you are interested in taking a trip around the world to see lots of crafty workspaces, pop on over to the Stamping Ground and take a peek at Julia's space and then link yours up too.
Go travelling and see what fun you have.
Go travelling and see what fun you have.
Hope to see you there.
Have a great Wednesday.
hugs {brenda} xox