Saturday 1 March 2014

Paper Chase 1 for Country View Crafts

Welcome to my blog where today we are celebrating Country View Crafts FIRST birthday in true traditional style and as is the custom for first anniversaries we are celebrating all things paper.
I decided to sign up for 52 card pickup after seeing several friends making these fabulous playing cards in a wonderful journaling style – I wanted to learn more so these are my first attempts at them and they will be used for something special which you will see in my second inspirational piece for Paper Chase.
This card uses music score script for the background and some Tim Holtz journaling tickets, tissue tape and chit-chat stickers.
The background for this one uses the ATC sized papers from the Shabby Vintage set of papers, also the remnant runs and label letters.
This one pleased me no end as I used an old AA map book of the British Isles for the background and I tore the heart from the music score paper which I distressed with paint and inks. This also included one of Tim’s stamps on the background as well.
This last one again used an old vintage photo from the Lost and Found stack, tissue paper, tissue wrap and I think the heart was a punched one – I found it in my box of bits.

Hope you like the style, I am hooked on these at the moment and will have some more to show you soon.

I hope to see you over on the CVC challenge blog – have fun.

hugs {brenda} x0x