Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Technique Tuesday #2 - Pitted Glaze - DecoArt


Here's a great technique that I've seen used several times in different ways and with different products so I thought I would share it today as it's a technique I love to use when I want a rusted and pitted effect.

Paint the substrate by applying a layer of acrylic paint(s) using a wet wipe, paint brush, palette knife, old credit card, sponge and creating a layered effect. I decided to use all blues with some white and didn't want the blue paint to soak straight into the card so I scraped an very thin layer of white tinting base over to seal the surface and give me some more wiggle time to move the paints around. I wiped over the colours with a baby wipe blending them together and finished by dipping into watery washes of the same. (then forgot to take a photo!!!)

At this point either leave it plain or stamp it (as in my sample linked below) or as in my case this time round, I decided to stencil over the colour. I mixed together some gesso and white modeling paste and used a lovely Tando Creative stencil. Leave to dry although you can help it along with a heat gun. 

Apply clear embossing ink and ultra thick clear embossing powder and before heating use a scrunched piece of kitchen towel to dab over and remove some of the powder from the surface. 

Heat the powder until it becomes clear and shiny. 
Paint over the surface with brown and quinacridone paints and work into the cracks.

Leave it for about 45 seconds to a minute and then wipe back with a damp babywipe - you see the pitted areas showing - leaving some of the paint on the surface creates a very grungy effect.

But I wanted to show you what it looks like if you knock it back more and how you can get a cleaner effect but still see pitted areas - this is created by wiping over until you have taken almost all the paint off the shiny surface. So the effects can be controlled to your preference.

Here's one I made recently and stamped on before adding the embossing powder, I used it in a shadow box project, click here to be transported over to see it.

If you are keeping track of these techniques through Pinterest here's the next graphic for you.

Thanks for stopping by - enjoy experimenting with the technique and please let me know on Face Book if you use it.

Have a great week.

hugs Brenda xxx