The Random Redhead Challenge
at Gingersnap Creations this week is to go back in time to the
'Last Century'.
I had great fun starting a Glue Book with an old hardback version of 'What Katy Did Next' and using the theme of vintage sewing.
I seem to have collected numerous vintage images and other scraps that I don't want to throw away and thought this would be a good way to use them up.
Do you remember the old Simplicity and Vogue patterns?
For this project though I created some background images using digital files and merged them in PSE, adding other elements to create collage pages.
Sewing is very dear to my heart, although I rarely use the sewing machine with fabric any more, but it was my dear Mum who taught me how to make my own clothes when I was very young. She was a great inspiration, having no formal training herself.
There are some fabulous pieces on the Gingersnaps blog so let's see what you create.
Have a wonderful day.
hugs {brenda} xox