Good morning, I hope this finds you bright and cheery and ready for that Christmas shopping or whatever you have planned for today.
I have been so busy at work, I forgot about my Halloween tag give-away and suddenly it just popped into my head this morning - how does our brain do that? Anyway I promised that those who linked to my Halloween printables post would be put into a draw to receive a tag.
Well as am so late, I have decided to give four of them away.
Here is my little box of numbers, one for each entry.
And here are the winning numbers
So well done to.............................................
MARTINA for her amazing Halloween box and she gets Tag 1
LISA-JANE for her fabulous card using her daughter's image 'Witch Dusty' and she gets Tag 2
GINA, I think it was for her Zac-a-lantern (sorry Gina your link has stopped working) anyway you won Tag 3.
and lastly LORRAINE for her Trick or Treat card and she wins Tag 4
Girls, please email me your address which is on my side-bar and I will get your tag in the post to you.
Thanks everyone who played along with me, I think I will try this again, great fun.
Have a wonderful weekend.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox