Monday 31 August 2015

Tim's tags for August

Well the weather was atrocious last week and we ended up with flash flooding with our garage and garden underwater, in fact it was well above my ankles round the back and I had to go and carry Cimmie in from the top garden as he wouldn't come through the flooded lower ground. The weekend hasn't been much better with a wet BBQ yesterday and it's rained most of today too, What's happened to the August weather? But I'm not giving up on summer yet and decided to create two tags for Tim's August collection, one in a vintage style like his the other much brighter and reflecting summer at the seaside. Here we meet Georgia at two stages of her young life.

Tag 1
Georgia is 6 years old, she loves the outside especially being at the seaside . My tag is a Tim alternative with a bright summery feel to it but the steps followed are almost the same as the steps Tim teaches us this month.

The background colours are mermaid lagoon, twisted citron. broken china, frayed burlap and hickory smoke and I kept to Tim's steps but added my own version of the upper layers. The metal embellishments have been altered using distress paints and archival ink.

The starfish are the centre of the sand dollar die and cut in hessian to provide texture.

The seahorse was cut from a blue mopup piece of card, painted with rock candy crackle paint and when dry I added peacock feathers and broken china distress stains.

I wonder what else Georgia loves to do apart from be at the beach. Let's find out.

Tag 2
Here Georgia has grown up and at 17 is ready to explore the world, she wants to be an archaeologist and look for historic and beautiful relics. During her childhood she has become very interested in history around the world, has visited museums and archaeological digs and become passionate about saving the world's culture for all to see.

The background colours are barn door, broken china, frayed burlap, hickory smoke and walnut stain and again I have followed Tim's steps keeping to the truer vintage style he has adopted to use this month and adding my own collage.

The embellishing is also different, I've tried to find new ways (for me) to put the idea-ology trinkets together.

I enjoyed experimenting with the techniques this month, they suit my grungy style ......

... but I also loved playing with ways the techniques could be changed especially using different dies and colours.

I am linking, by the skin of my teeth,  to Tim's August collection and you can see his steps for making the tags on his BLOG.

I hope you've had a good weekend especially those in the UK with the extra day for August Bank Holiday. Have a good week ahead and consider as an artist/crafter are you an architect or a gardener. (I think I am a bit of both).

hugs Brenda xxx

“I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.” 
― George R.R. Martin


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great tags Brenda, love the images and the gorgeous grungy style.
Happy crafting, Angela x

Karen P said...

They are both beautiful Brenda! I have to say I do love the brighter coloured one but that's me to a tee! TFS Karen x

Candy C said...

Oh my gosh Brenda. These two little tags are so so cute! I love your found relatives girls. The sentiments you've given to each are perfect for them! I love your backgrounds and the ephemera that you've added around them. Beautifully done work!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Brenda -- how fun is this. I loved following Georgia's life. Aren't these found relatives just amazing for taking the artist's imagination on a thrilling ride. Love how the colors and dies give them such a different feel. I could definitely feel the ocean splash and feel the sand under foot with the first one. Just gorgeous colors!! And then there is the Georgia-all-grown-up tag! Wow. I really love the Barn Door in background and the Georgia license plate/tag is wonderful. Georgia is still exploring and discovering life.

As a crafter/artist ... I'm a bit of both. I start out with a plan (a big idea) and then it morphs into something I didn't expect sometimes. I'm really terribly at spacial placement. Usually it is in the phase of trying to place something that doesn't work on the project as planned that I my well-ordered creation takes a different direction. Don't you just love it :) -- ME

Paula Cheney said...

stunning tag Brenda! Glad you did them because they are wonderful! Really great job and super nice to you to always participate in 12 tags!!

LauraVi said...

Stunning gorgeous beautiful take of August tag! Love love LOVE both!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Both of these are super gorgeous!!! LOVE that they are both so different!

Deb said...

Love both of your interpretations of Tim's tag Brenda and love the story you have woven with them! So sorry to hear of the flooding, hope nothing was damaged too badly and that your weather improves soon. It's darn cold here! Deb xo

experiments in paper said...

Love these tags, and the story!! I so admire your talent for layering - it always looks amazing! Hope you get some sun soon.... xx Lynn

Patty O'Malley said...

Fantastic tags, Brenda! Love the story you created for the two!

mamablitger said...

Brenda these tags are fabulous. So different, but both are impressing. You are very creative.
Thank you for sharing.
Hugs from Monica.... Spain

sally said...

Lovely tags Brenda & well done for skating in with them before the deadline! Sorry your weather has been crap, we had a dry w/e up here but then it's only a BANK holiday here!


A Pink said...

Absolutely fabulous tags ! Brenda and such a wonderful narrative . So pleased you made the deadline as for me your tags are real winners x

Words and Pictures said...

So horrible about the flooding - do hope you haven't got too much long term damage. Stay safe. I too am hopeful of better weather in September but the forecast isn't looking great!

Still, I love your two Tim tags - and the wonderful biography running between them - beautiful work.
Alison xx

LauraVi said...

Dear Brenda, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! Your tags are simply fabulous, like them both! When I saw the little girl in swinsuit tag I thought how beautiful was it and how great was the background, you did a WOWnderful work!

sarascloset said...

Brenda, Beautiful tags, the both of them! I absolutely adore your seahorse--my crackle never turns out so well! You are very clever to use the mixed media thinlit die for your background!You are also very clever to use just the girl of the pair on your older Georgia version! And smart to make two tags! Ha! Ha! Ha! Spooky, indeed! I would have been really freaked if you used the boy, too, or used the same exact colors as I did! I've really enjoyed your tags and your comment on my blog!

I also enjoyed your though provoking quote at the end...funny, my husband is an architect, and I am/was a gardener, both by profession. I lost my job when I had to have an extended time off to recover from foot surgery. As an artist, I would say I would like to be both, buy my gardener side always takes control!

Sue said...

These are both gorgeous Brenda! I love the stories you have created for them together with the fab textures and attention to details xx