Tuesday 10 February 2015

Blogaversary and 1000th post Giveaway

I have a double celebration to share with you. The 29th January was my FIVE year blogaversary and yesterday saw me publish my 1000th post. I never ever dreamed I would get this far when I started in 2010 and when I look back at what I was making then I cringe. It's been a fantastic five years, I have learnt sooooo much and more or less found my niche in the crafting world, although I still love experimenting with new styles and products, I feel now that I am at home with my art and that's a lovely feeling.

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all you lovely people who have been following me over the years both as Blogger and Google followers and those of you who follow by email too. I am very proud that my blogger stats show that I get 10,000+ page views a month, that just blows my mind to think that so many people visit to see what I am making and creating.

So if you would like to join my celebration and you are a *'follower'* please leave a comment below and I will use Random Org on the 24th February to choose the winner.
(A Follower is anyone who has subscribed to my blog through the Blogger Followers list, Google Followers and those who subscribe through the Follow by Email widget).
If you are unable to leave a comment on the blog as an email subscriber, please do email me and I will add you to the list.

Thank you again for being part of my life.


“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time”.
 ~Thomas Merton


Always listen to the heART.

hugs Brenda xxx


Cardgenie said...

Hi Brenda - Happy Blogaversary!! I love seeing your creations - they very much reflect my style, so I get lots of inspiration. So happy that lots of other crafty folk think so too. Thanks for the chance of winning some crafty stuff. Keep crafting. Jean.x

Nan G said...

Congrats, Brenda! I have stalked you for years as your style speaks to me also. Thanks for a chance at this awesome give away. Hugs

darcydaydream said...

Happy Bloggerversary. Ilove your blog and you are such an inpiration.

Nikki Acton said...

Congratulations Brenda. I look back at my work from last year and I already cringe! Thank you for being a wonderful support to me and for all your amazing work. Nikki xx

Nikki Acton said...
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Anita Sæterdal said...

Congratulations. I realy love looking at then things you do. Maby becaus your work are so dirfrent from mine, and I dream of doing som of what you do.
Love Anita

Rozy said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. Your work is always wonderful. You've been an inspiration for many of my projects.

crafty creations said...

Hi Brenda and wow what an amazing giveaway - Many congrats for attaining your 100th post and thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent I visit you most days lol!!!

margie said...

thanks for sharing some much with us.

Primitive Seasons said...

Congratulations. You do such lovely work. And what a gorgeous prize package. I'd love to win but good luck to everyone who enters.


Sharon said...

Hi Brenda: When I see your post on Blogger Reading List, it is always one of my first reads. Love, love your work - you add so many details and dimension to all your projects without being overdone. Happy Blogiversary!

Karen P said...

Happy Blog-Versary Brenda! It is amazing how our style changes as we learn more and get more experience - and that is one of the biggest reasons why I love crafting.
I have just started my mixed media journey and think that I've got interested because of seeing yours and others beautiful art work - so thank you very much hun!
I already follow, so thank you for the chance to win some lush goodies. Karen x

Nicole Wright Designs said...

How wonderful! That's 1000 amazing creations you've shared. Congrats on your 5 years of sharing. I always love stopping by and checking out your latest master piece.

Paper Profusion said...

Huge Congratulations Brenda- what wonderful milestones! You deserve each and everyone of those views - thank-you for all your inspiration and education. Please include me in your fantastic draw. Nicola x

Sandra said...

Happy blogaversary! Love looking at all your creations and if it wasn't for blogs like yours I would still be making cringe worthy projects! Thanks for sharing, Sandra

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love your comment about cringing at what you were making back then - I think most of us think the same way! ( I am still having cringe days!!) Thank you for being part of my inspiration! Chrisx

Theresa said...

Congrats on your blogaversary. I have followed your blog through netvibes and before that google reader. I pin lots of your work for inspiration. thanks as always for sharing.

Gill said...

Congratulations Brenda!!
I follow you via email

Jane said...

Many congratulations on your 5th bloggerversary Brenda. 1,000 posts is an incredible achievement and I have so enjoyed the last year or so that we met via blogger and now in real life. You have so inspired my crafting and your work is always one of the best out there in blog land. You are also such a kind and generous person, I'm proud to call you my friend. Huge hugs, xx

Scrumplescrunch said...

Hello Brenda,
Well I never dreamed that I would ever meet you in person, 10,000 page views is something to be very proud of, people must like what you are doing my friend! I know I do; you have inspired me many times over.
Here's to another 5years of enjoyment and friendship.
Smiles:) enjoy all your comments.

sally said...

Impressive milestones those! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun :-) glad you had a good time in London too.


jenrabrown said...

Congrats on the 1000 blog posts, that is amazing :) keep them coming, you are such an inspiration to us all!

Inez Montemayor said...

Congratulations on your bloggerversary! Thank you for the inspiration and i look forward to seeing more. Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway!

Kay said...

Congratulations on your 5 years and also a very big Thank You for sharing your art and ideas with us!

Chana Malkah said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! It is always nice to be able to look back and see growth. Your projects are wonderful!

Chana Malkah

Gretchen Wilson said...

Happy Day, wow you have been a busy gal these past 5 years. Congratulations and just keep those post coming, I have enjoy all your creative ideas and your willingness to share your designs.

Sue Kosec said...

Congratulations and Congratulations some more. Way to go on your anniversary and ALL THOSE posts. Blogging isn't for sissies and you proved you're not one by sticking with it. I love receiving "you" in my Inbox ... you always have something wonderful to share. Thank you!

Also, thanks for the chance at this giveaway - I'm crossing fingers.


jasann said...

Happy blog anniversary!!! have been a follower for some time and love your creations, the style sings to me, keep on crafting, and thanks for the opportunity, I am an e mail follower

Jools Robertson said...

Congratulations! Amazing achievement
Looking forward to seeing more insprational posts

Jools x

Terry from Georgia said...

And to think I just started following you this last year - guess I have a lot of archive to go thru - thanks for all your share - always an inspiration!

Meggymay said...

happy Blog Anniversary Brenda, its always inspirational to visit you here.

Jay H said...

I look forward to your postings every day. I have drawn inspiration from you on many projects. Your talent surpasses most and your finished products are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on achieving these two significant milestones! Thank you for inspiring me!

rachel said...

congratulations Brenda - I'm a recent follower but I do love your work - there's no wonder you get so many hits! Hugs rachel x

Diane Quinlan said...

Brenda - you should be proud! I enjoy your work and look forward to your post. I hope you are around for a long time!

Unknown said...

I just admire your work and look forward to all of your posts. Congratulations on your milestone achievement.

Valerie said...

Congrats on meeting your milestones.

zoggie said...

Happy Anniversary. I would love to win the awesome prize package.

Pam said...

Happy Blogaversary! Huge milestones - congrats! Thank you for all your inspiration.

Diane said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! I enjoy every blog post that comes to my email!

Jennidee Mills said...

I'd love to enter your give away.
May you have many more wonderful years and posts.

Jessica said...

Wow! Congratulations on your five
years, and all of your posts! So
wonderful! I am a newbie
following you, and I love digging
into your archives!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on your success. You are a wonderful inspiration of artistry , Techniques & pure talent.

2amscrapper said...

A big congratulations all the way around, Brenda! Love your work!

James Gray said...

I love your blog. I follow you by email. Congratulations on your blogiversary!

Vintagehandmade said...

Congratulations Brenda! I love your work! Thank you so much for the chance to win and for the great inspiration!
Branka x

vickienipp said...

congratulations!!! thank you so much for your inspiration!!

mamablitger said...

Hi Brenda. I have been following your fab blog for quite a while. And yes I LOVE your blog and all the inspiration you share. I hope you'll have the desire to continue blogging many years ahead.
And from me receive BIG HUGS and congrats on the double celebration.. Is'nt it amazing how fast time flies ???!!
Thank you also for the option to win your give-away.
Sending hugs from Monica... Spain

april dawn said...

Congrats on your anniversary. That's awesome for you!

Juliz Design Post said...

You certainly have been busy over the last 5 years with a fabulous informative blog that's always a pleasure to visit.
Congratulations and looking forward to your next 1000 posts.
Julie x

AnnieS said...

I just found you through Tim's link. Love what I have seen so far! Looking forward to checking out your past posts.

Suzi B said...

It's always a pleasure to visit your blog... your work is inspirational.
Suzi B x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you on celebrating 5 years. I am sure they have passed by in a flash!
This is a very generous Giveaway, thank you.
You are an artist with the most incredible talent, it is always a joy to visit, I just wish I could visit each and every blog post but life hasn't allowed me to do so recently.

Deb said...

Congratulations on reaching two amazing milestones, 5 years of blogging and 1000 posts, amazing! I am so glad to have found your blog, your art inspires me each and every time I come visiting. Thank you for the opportunity to win your generous giveaway and here's to another 5 years and another 1000 posts!

Kim said...

Congratulations Brenda...what an amazing accomplishment! I look forward to your posts and love the new visual journey blog hop. Thanks for all the inspiration.

Glennis F said...

Congratulations on your achievements. I love reading your blog, although I don't comment as often as I should.
I wish I had your talent for all things 'arty'
Best wishes from New Zealand

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your Blogaversary, Brenda!! WOW--5 years in blogland and 1000 posts--That is a milestone to celebrate!! Thanks for sharing your accomplishment with us and for having a giveaway--We should be giving you stuff!!! :) :) Congrats again!! XOXO-Shari

A-len-ka said...

Happy Bloggerversary!!!
I always find so much inspiration in your works! And thank you for the fantastic give-away!

monica said...

complimenti di cuore

Dagmar said...

Happy blogaversary - i love it to be here with your fantastic work of Art. I habe been inspired from all the great things your make. Many thanksgiving for the great giveaway <3 Hugs, Dagmar

Margreet said...

Happy Blogaversary Brenda...I'm glad we've become blogfriends...I always enjoy to visit your blog with all those awesome creations with clear explanation of the making off...I'm also a proud owner of some of your artworks, which I cherish.
I also want to thank you for visiting my blog so often and for your kind comments!
xxx Margreet

Astrid Maclean said...

Big congrats Brenda on your 5 years and 1000 posts! A fabulous achievement and I am so happy I got to know you through blogging!!!!

joy said...
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Jeanette Wilde said...

Congrats! I love seeing your creations!

Cocofolies said...

Oh, congratulations on your double Blogaversary, Brenda! Your blog is one of the most amazing blogs I know, with wonderful makes and always super tutorials, so it's good that you didn't stop to blog.. Wishing you (and us!) a lot of other years like the 5 past ones.. Thank you for organising this generous giveaway, I love everything on your image! :D Hugs, Coco xxx

Елена Пономаренко (ЯГОДКА) said...

Hi, Brenda! Pleased to meet you and enjoy reading your posts) Thanks for the candy and for the inspiration you give us!

Елена Пономаренко (ЯГОДКА) said...
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riliska said...

Hi, Brenda! Сongratulations on your double Blogоversary!!
Fantastic candy! Thanks for the chance!
I am a follower.
I linked it on sidebar

Words and Pictures said...

Huge congratulations and happy blogaversary, Brenda! Your work is so creative, beautiful, skilful and inspiring, and you are so generous about sharing techniques and how-tos. I'm here for the next 1000 too!
Alison xx

AngeLLinA said...

Happy Blogaversary Brenda. I love it to be here with your fantastic work

Jacqui Blondel said...

Wow maybe I should get back to blogging? What a great achievement! Although I must say, I am not at all surprised your creations are fabulous. Congratulations

Аленький цветочек said...

Happy Bloggerversary! Congrats on your anniversary.
I always find so much inspiration in your works.

Piijja said...

Congrats Brenda!!! I really love your style and You have given me lots of new ideas and inspiration. Thank You for that ♥

Lys said...

Congratulations for your blogaversary Brenda! And Thanks for the inspiration you provides us in so many ways. Longue vie à Bumblebees and Butterflies !

Vintagehandmade said...

Congratulations, Brenda! I love your work so much! Thank you for all the inspiration!
Branka x

Crafty Kathy said...

Just subscribed to be an email follower. I've enjoyed so many of your projects and am thrilled to have found your blog through Tim Holtz.

sarascloset said...

OOPS!!!!I've been a follower for quite some time, but missed this due to power failure! Wanted to say congratulations anyway. You have been a HUGE inspiration to me! Hugs! PS what a generous giveaway!