Thursday 11 December 2014

Prove you are not a robot

Recently when vising blogs I have found more and more people with a 'captcha' box headed 'Please prove you are not a robot'. I get frustrated at these verification boxes because they slow you down when commenting and I was asking myself why so many people seem to be turning them on?????

I found CVC challenge blog also has it on and I couldn't believe Chris would have turned it on, but she didn't know anything about it. So I experimented leaving a comment on my own blog and low and behold the Robot box came up. I couldn't find a way to turn it off in the settings and that really annoyed me. 

So after searching around a bit on the internet and experimenting myself I have found that if you have a blogger blog it is likely you
  do not have to fill this in on another blogger blog. 
TRY IT. I did, it worked for me here on CVC challenge blog.

Secondly you probably can get rid of it if you want to. I have my comment box set to come up as a pop-up as I like to see the blog post and comment box at the same time, but if you embed it so that it comes up at the bottom of the post, the captcha box disappears - again this worked for me, but I have changed it back to a pop up box.

So first of all try publishing your comment without filling in the captcha box if you are on blogger and commenting on another blogger post. Good luck.

hugs Brenda xxx


sally said...

I'd noticed that captcha was appearing on blogs I've never seen it on's right on yours right now when I've connected through bloglovin ..... Going to try ignoring it!


sally said...

Well that worked for me!


SusanK said...

I really dislike the captcha code stuff, too, but after having received a lot of ugly, ugly spam on my blog I saw its purpose. Sometimes your tip has worked for me,sometimes not. Sometimes what I type in won't show up yet my comment does. Go figure.

Terry said...

I am sure blogger will fix this in time like so many other issues! I just ignore it and all is good! Hugs!

Brenda Brown said...

Google bought the company that made the captchas so it isn't going to go away me thinks xx

Rita said...

I have noticed this too Brenda, but I thought it was something that people added to their blogs. I don't know if it's on my blog or not. Thanks for the update though it's much appreciated. Hugs Rita xxx

1CardCreator said...

Thanks for clarifying this Brenda, I have run into it more and more also. What really gets me is the blogs that have the word verification turned on and also delay the comment. I wonder if they know how frustrating that is. If you refuse to publish a comment until you approve it why would they ask us to fill in the word verification too? Merry Christmas, happy new year to you too.

massofhair said...

Good to clarify for those who don't know Brenda, been doing this for a few days and it works when you ignore it. Not sure if this will be the case for ever, we can only wait and see :-) xxx

Nicole Wright Designs said...

I don't have one on my blog yet? But I have been noticing these more. I am not a WV user. I do approval so no one has to do these. Thanks for the info :)

Jane said...

It's a pain Brenda and it's still on your blog here!! Have you tried changing the comment settings to embedded from pop worked for me. Blogger have been fidding....I certainly have always had work ver set as off but it appeared! I hope everyone can sort this but as you say if you ignore it and the "do you want to leave this page" comments still publish xx

Jane said...

PS I would suggest everyone tries leaving a comment on their own blog, I was convinced it was not on mine and found it certainly was!! I fixed it today...fingers crossed it holds xx

Netty said...

trying to see if it works, Annette x

Redanne said...

Thanks Brenda. Some American friends mentioned the 'pop up' vs 'embedded' a couple of days ago too, mine has always been embedded so I hope it does not show up on mine..... I have just been ignoring the captcha and it works just fine on most blogs..... Hugs, Anne xx

ElizabethR said...

I've been having this pop up all week on my blogs, will give this a try, thank you xxx

trisha too said...

Good to know!!! Oh gosh, I would never put the verification on my blog, but it's surely been showing up . . . thanks for the tip, Brenda!


2amscrapper said...

I noticed this too and was very annoyed. Several people have left commentaries such as yours which made me realize I wasn't imagining things. I'm going to try to get past it when I post this comment. If you see my comment, you know it worked to ignore it.

Glennis F said...

Apparently blogger thinks we all need this!
Just click publish without filling in the numbers and your comment will still show

TangledBlueRose said...

Love your blog and thanks so much for the helpful tip!~kim

mamablitger said...

Wow.. Thank you for this info. Yes it's so very annoying with these ROBOT provings...
Gonna try to comment the way you suggested. Thanks a lot.
Hugs from Monica... Spain

Paper Profusion said...

testing 123

Paper Profusion said...

You are correct Teacher! Didnt have to fill it in at all. Nicola x

Ellie Knol said...

Nicest about this is that if you do not enter the code, it still posts the comment, so just ignore the whole thing..

Marjie Kemper said...

I've also noticed a huge increase in that feature. Hopefully those who have blogger blogs will read this and get rid of this extra step.