Sunday 26 January 2014

A new flexible journal

I am still loving creating journal pages and canvases Finnabair style and after making the fabulous journal at Finn’s workshop at the end of August I found a way to recreate my own journal covers that will bend over and around the pages allowing you to embellish with lots of metal and 3D trinkets.
My journal is 18 x 15 cms and I used canvas and interfacing from the fabric shop. I stamped with matte medium and sprayed to get the colours then stamped over the top of that, I also sewed around the edges.
Both for the front and back I created layers with canvas, lace and patterned card ….
… and I adhered the embellishments over the top.
I have made one set of pages of my youngest granddaughter…..
… creating the photos within a collage ….
…. using a glittery patterned paper for the background.
Using a paperclip, stamped butterfly, ruler ribbon and other letters and ephemera, the pages came together.
The colours I used reflected the colour of Maddison's jumper.

Just to let you know I will have been blogging for  four years on Wednesday and I think a giveaway will be in order, keep your eyes open.

Hope you've had a great weekend
Brenda x


Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

It looks so beautiful Brenda and your GD is a sweetie! I love the bright juicy colours! xx

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Beautiful Brenda, I love the colours to echo the jumper on your GD, lovely. Wonderful details and beautifully embellished. Tracy x

Maryann Laursen said...

These pages are absolutely gorgeous Brenda, and so is your granddaughter too. She´s a real cutie pie. And I just love the beautiful colors you´ve used on these pages, they looks totally fab. Amazing work, can´t wait to see, what this´album will look like, when it´s all finished.

Valerie-Jael said...

Really fantastic work Brenda, this will be something to treasure for years. Hugs, Valerie

Clare Lloyd said...

fabulous project and what a wonderful keepsake too. x

Daniele said...

wonderful pages, I love the mix of colours and how they have blended

cheryl said...

Oh gosh wow this is stunning hun the detail is just fantastic and adore the colours hugs cheryl xxx

Gio said...

It's so lovely, Brenda, bright and vivid in its richness of colours. And the used the sweetes pictures ever!

Crafty Humphreys said...

Lovely journal Brenda, colours are amazing. Fab pick of your Granddaughter-though I can't believe your old enough! Suz xxx

Words and Pictures said...

Fabulous covers - so impressed you made them yourself!! - and the pages with your granddaughter are utterly beautiful. Everything has the wonderful golden glow of a vintage heirloom (which I've no doubt it will be one day!!).

Four years... blimey!!
Alison xx

Scrumplescrunch said...

Hello Brenda
How innovative, using canvas and interfacing for your pages,this will ensure the memories will have a very long life and not deteriorate so much with time, I love the palette, and your design, limiting the mechanical elements that are so recognisable of a Finn creation and adding a feminine quality that is necessary for this layout of your Gd.
Great work.

Deborah said...

Gorgeous colours, Brenda. And what a lovely backgrop for your grandddaughter. I'm going to attempt a couple of Finnabair style tags for a swap (never tried it before) and if mine look 10% as good as yours I will be pleased.

Von said...

Awesome Brenda :)
Von ♥

Karen P said...

So very gorgeous! Love it all xx

Sandy said...

Now I am sure you have outdone yourself! Gorgeous pages - beautiful colors and so very well designed. Of course there is a cute grand daughter that lights up the pages! She is so cute with a wonderful smile!
Sandy xx

Gram's Treasures said...

Love those colours, Brenda! Beautifully done! I've been thinking of an art journal myself, so you have given me a few ideas here. Couldn't really see me starting with a purchased book. Snowing again....after another nasty storm. Temps and winds are bitter. One only goes out when absolutely needed. I swear this winter is never ending!
Joyce xx

Unknown said...

It is absolutely gorgeous Brenda. Love the colours. Your Grandaughter looks like you. Can't wait to see more pages xx

Claire said...

gorgeous pages Brenda, your GD is adorable. Love the covers too, such beautiful sunny colours
claire xx

trisha too said...

Brenda, this is absolutely GORGEOUS!!


Ink Art Designs said...

Hi Brenda...The colours are scrumptious - beautiful tones. I think that the material looks fantastic, so much depth and texture! But those colours - just gorgeous! Your GD must be absolutely thrilled with this.
Dot x

Cocofolies said...

So lovely pages once again with your cute granddaughter... And fab colours and arrangement of all the elements! You will cherish your book at the end I think... Have a super week ahead, Hugs Coco xx

Amanda said...

Brenda this is a fabulous journal a perfect backdrop for your beautiful photos of your grand daughter, she will love herself within these pages. Thank you also for the lovely comments you have left for me.
Amanda x

Redanne said...

Oh how beautiful ... and your journal is fabulous too! You have captured Finn's style so perfectly, the colours are gorgeous. A wonderful start to something that will become a family heirloom. Hugs, Anne x

Anonymous said...

This is such a treasure of a journal from the beautiful covers and then to see what lies in wait as the covers open to reveal such sweet layouts - gorgeous!

Kathyk said...

Simply stunning and such gorgeous colours too - a great project

Happy Sunday


massofhair said...

Have recently found a magazine called Scrap 365, it gives tips on how to compose scrap book pages. Have to say that your project blows their magazine out of the water.

Your color pallette is beautiful great choice of reflecting your GD's clothing.

Stunning work Brenda thanks for the inspiration :-) xxx

Meggymay said...

Stunning covers, the colours are gorgeous as are all the wonderful embellishments. The pages with your GD look great.

Rita said...

Fabulous covers Brenda. The pages are so stunning too. Hugs Rita xxxxx

2amscrapper said...

Brenda, this is beyond gorgeous. What a fabulous piece of artwork to cherish for years to come. Thanks for the message on my blog. Yes, I was aware but have not received the email with the badge or request. Not sure who will be the one to send it so that I can be looking for it. Thanks for taking such good care of me and keeping me informed! Helene

Inkypinkycraft said...

Brenda this is stunning, gorgeous layers and you have captured the style so well...I love your pages of your gorgeous granddaughter , these truly will be pieces to treasure forever! Just gorgeous x hugs x trace x

debby4000 said...

Absolutely gorgeous Brenda, especially the pages with your Grandaughter.

hazel said...

This is so beautiful, so much detail and the colours are lovely as is your grandaughter.
xxx Hazel.

Alexa said...

Wow Brenda - these are so gorgeous. I would love to do a class with Finnabair - you lucky thing! The journal is awesome with that colour combo and the pages of Maddison are just lovely. Keep well & hope to meet you again soon. xx

Junibears said...

I love to see your creations Brenda! You have put so much thought, time and love into this one. Gorgeous! xx

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

Drop dead gorgeous and such a great idea. I'm just starting to do some art journaling and was concerned about 3-D elements. I love the idea of canvas for flexibility and the texture is awesome too. Maddison's pages are fabulous too - beautiful texture and colors. Love them!


Jennie Atkinson said...

That is fabulous Brenda! I love the wonderful colours and all those layers. Fabulous scrapbooking - can I come for a lesson please!

Terry said...

Brenda, beautiful how you coordinated the colors of the journal with Maddison's jumper! What a clever idea to make your own flexible canvas covers. You have certainly mastered Finnabair style! Four years and look at how far you have gone! Congratulations and can't wait for the next four! Hugs!

Netty said...

Beautiful pages Brenda and canvas really does make the best journal or scrapbook covers. Hugs Annette x

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Brenda, these are wonderful pieces. Really a treasure.

Annie said...

What fabulous pages you have here brenda x I love the colours and all the embellishments. Madisson is a wee cutie and will love this x TFS and best wishes on your blogaversary

HUgs Annie x

Tincan Crafter said...

Brenda - thanks for stopping by my neglected blog today and for leaving a comment - I really need to get back into what you have done here - you are such an inspiration both with your wonderful pieces of art and your warm words of encouragement!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

WOW!!! What fabulous pages! The layout pages with such a gorgeous girl just take my breath away! Amazing!

craftytrog said...

Such beautiful covers & pages Brenda! I love those fruity colours too!
Alison xxx

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Brenda,

The journal cover is very cool! The pages are great too -- your granddaughter is little cutie pie.


Paper Profusion said...

Well I can't decide Brenda if it's you or Maddison who is rockin these papers but by golly they are rockin! I'm blown away by the stunning colours and your design is fabulous. Happy 4th tomorrow - a terrific achievement! Nicola x

Jenny Marples said...

I know I shouldn't be in the least surprised by this but you really did 'get' Finnabair's techniques for creating multi layer journal pages. The composition is perfect, the colours so very you and of course Maddison makes these pages even more special with her beautiful smile. Be proud Brenda. Jenny xxx

nefertiti said...

A fabulous piece Brenda with lovely colours! great work!!bizz

Ellie Knol said...

Gorgeous pages with your granddaughter! Granddaughter, the youngest? I thought it might be your youngest daughter... You must be a very young grandmother then?1

Joanna Wiśniewska said...

Your grand daughter is beautiful and I love the pages, colors and embellishments.

Marjie Kemper said...

So gorgeous, Brenda. Love how you have layered so many overlapping elements on these pages. Terrific photos, too!

Juls said...

Wow these pages are just amazing!! Love the bright colours hugs Juls