Friday 11 October 2013

Creative Chemistry 102 – Day 3

I know I’ve missed out day 2 but I am still waiting for some bits which should come in the post this morning so I can get on and finish the stencilling. But for Day 3 it’s distress differently and I had great fun making these tags.
I just love the distressing and a couple of these we have touched on in Tim’s tags for 2012 and 2013, but you know Tim he always has something more up his sleeve and with each video he gives all the product information and tips and tricks to help us get more and more out of each of the distress range available.
#15 – Smudge Stamping and those who are taking CC102 will see my (deliberate lol) mistake.
#15b – This goes alongside the previous one and is explained in Tim’s class. I am sure you CC102ers will definitely see the (deliberate) mistake now.
#16 – Brayered Stains
#17 – Photo Tinting. The background is another tip given by Tim blending stains.
#18 – Faux Cracked Glass – love this effect.
#19 – Distress Glitter Rock Candy and the background is from Day 1 Stamping Resist.
#20 – Distress Glittering – you can tell it’s coming up Halloween can’t you?

I am sure you are having as much fun as me if you are taking the classes, but oh boy there is so much being covered so I know I won’t get it all done in a week. Good job we have lifetime access then isn’t it?

Just a quickie to finish off with. At ‘Crafts-Too Challenge You’ we are looking for someone to join our design team who has a clean and simple style and is UK based. This someone will complement the other styles in the team so that we have a range of different projects to inspire potential challengers. If you would be interested in receiving a monthly goodie bag with some products that we focus on then please pop over HERE to find out all the details. The call closes tomorrow but please try out.

I am on tenterhooks today as Tinder, our other cat has gone in for tests today as he has been a very poorly boy this week. I am hoping there is nothing seriously wrong with him.

Thanks for stopping by today. Be inspired and creative and have a fabulous weekend.

hugs {brenda} x0x


Gio said...

Oh these are marvellous , Brenda! My fave is the one with the picture, fantastic!

Deborah said...

Love seeing what you are making on this course, Brenda. I'm having to live vicariously through you as I don't have the time right now to di it myself (plus my hard drive has just died).

Astrid Maclean said...

Fabulous!!! Love each and everyone of them and look forward to day 2!!

Have to say, I am loving 102 even better than 101, and hope to get some tags actually finished over the weekend.

Hope you have a good weekend.

Terry said...

Wow these are all so incredible! Brenda that photo tinting is gorgeous! I was not as brave and only tinted background areas! I am just waiting for something to dry and already started on Day 4! Hugs and Happy Friday!

Netty said...

gosh you have been so busy and the tags are all great. Hope Tinder will be OK, hugs Annette x

Kathyk said...

GORGEOUS projects, Brenda. Fingers crossed for your cat coming through those tests with flying colours


catherine said...

These look so fabulous Brenda and so your day 1 tags. I'm still catching up but a bit of a late starter!
x catherine

Mrs.B said...

HI Brenda, just had a lovely catch up on all your creativity. Loving these tags and looking forward to seeing more of your 102 makes.
Avril xx

Cocofolies said...

So many beautiful tags... Stunning work and techniques! My fave is the last one, but I really love also the one with the moon!! I'm jealous LOL :)) But I've checked, I can't do Chemistry 102 without 101... Boo. Maybe one day it will be possible to do follow any of the classes ! :) Hugs to you and your poor cat, Coco xx

Kath Stewart said...

Lots of gorgeousness Brenda...well done on getting so much done...I haven't made it past the starting post yet...hope everything goes well for puss...hugs kath xxx

Meggymay said...

Fabulous tags, looks like you are having loads of fun with the techniques.
Yvonne x.

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Fantastic take on all the techniques. Love your tinted photo.

debby4000 said...

Fabulous tags, love the colours you've used.

Jenny Marples said...

These are gorgeous Brenda. Getting everything done is such a challenge, but as you say at least we have a lifetime to complete it!! Hope all goes well with Tinder. Jenny x

Alex said...

Wow, really gorgeous tags! I am impressed how many different styles one can do within just one day.

Monique said...

Beautiful tags and no I didn't spot a mistake, they all look great to me =).
Hope your cat is feeling better!
xx Monique

Shirley said...

Where oh where do you get the time as each one is definitely a masterpiece in their own right.

Crafty hugs from Shirl x x

nefertiti said...

All gorgeous Brenda!!!!!!!!!!

Marjie Kemper said...

These are all lovely, Brenda. I look forward to working on CC102 soon. The tinting is my favorite of today's shares. And I really adore the stamped reindeer in your F&F post.