Monday 12 August 2013

Workshop - Butterfly Box 2

Just a quick post from me today to share a second workshop I did recently making the Butterfly Box. This project went down really well with everyone loving their creation.
It was made in exactly the same way as the previous one I did but the paper I used had gone out of stock and couldn’t be sourced so I used a G45 design and made a completely new box.
Here are four belonging to some of the lovely ladies who attended.
IMG_0633 copyIMG_0634IMG_0635IMG_0636
Sorry about the lighting, there is no natural light in the workroom and these were taken on my phone. But you can see the ladies did a great job.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by.
Take care.
hugs {brenda} x0x


Scrumplescrunch said...

Hello Brenda
Gosh, how I would love to do this workshop, the butterfly boxes look wonderful and I agree with your summation, your ladies did a great job.

Jane said...

Wow Brenda what a beautiful project, everyone must have been thrilled with what they made x

Paula Whittaker said...

what a wonderful workshop - the ladies did a super job.

Redanne said...

Oh my goodness Brenda, your box is exquisite! I love every single detail and could just look at it for ages.......your ladies have done you proud too with their gorgeous creations. Hugs, Anne x

Anneke said...

I love this project. Just keep on looking what you put inside of it. Love the colours too. Thank you Anneke.

Jenny Marples said...

What a beautiful project Brenda. No wonder the ladies were pleased with their creations. Love the way the butterflies have been put together and that delicate frame and picture is so clever. Hugs, Jenny x

Lucy Edmondson said...

Adorable! I love the bird on the peg and the little dish. Your students are doing great under your tutelage,

Lucy x

Rita said...

Good Morning Brenda, What a magnificent box. I would enjoy doing something like this. The attention to detail is wonderful and I love it all. Everyone did a grand job and the finished boxes will be treasured I guess. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

Astrid Maclean said...

Well the ladies did a fantastic job, but then I am sure they had a very good teacher!! :)

Your example is really inspiring, so many subtle little details, must have been super fun to make!! Oh and I have to say it works very well with the G45 paper too!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

WOW I'm fascinated, what a breathtaking work and so lovely decorated. That's really a unique fabulous masterpiece.
Hugs Anja

Gio said...

Ahh, so lovely, Brenda. Love all the little details.
It's very inspiring, I need more timeeeeeeeeee :-)

Meggymay said...

Awesome project, each opening is a delight to look at.
Yvonne x

Rossella said...

Such a gorgeous project. Lovely results from the ladies
Rosie x

Candy C said...

Brenda...your butterfly box is absolutely gorgeous! I so love vintage and shabby chic and your box is just exquisite! Your workshop would have been so much fun to do! Obviously you are a wonderful teacher. Your students' work is outstanding! Thank you for the lovely comments you left on my blog. You are always so positive and encouraging. I so appreciate that! :) <3 Candy

Karen P said...

An absolutely gorgeous box. I love every little thing about it - stunning hugs Karen

Mrs.B said...

Hi Brenda, Stunning butterfly box, with so many gorgeous details - wish I lived nearer.
Wonderful work by all the ladies, they obviously had a very good teacher.
Avril xx

Margreet said...

Such a pity I cannot attend your workshops, Brenda...these are adorable! Do you have some tips for me for Los Angeles?????
xxx Margreet

Rosie said...

Wow, Brenda, what a gorgeous projekt, all details are adorable.

Have a wonderful week

froebelsternchen said...

oh my gosh Brenda! what a TREASURE!!!

Anonymous said...

They all look amazing Brenda! xx

Daniele said...

such a sweet box Brenda, love all those little details that you have added

Alexa said...

Your box is really lovely Brenda - vintage and shabby - gorgeous! Looks like a fun class - think I may need to book onto one and come and play! x

Dagmar said...

I'm speechless - just how wonderful and everything so lovingly and in detail!

Margie said...

Wow Brenda, you are so brave making something as intricate as this with your ladies. I'm doing just a simple box with flowers tomorrow night and I think I'll be doing well if I get that done! Its gorgeous, by the way. Margie x

Anonymous said...

Each little nook is full of prettiness.
Such sweet idea and beautifully executed.

Marjie Kemper said...

Love this project, and everyone's individual takes on it. I am sure your students had a marvelous time!

Sandy said...

Your box is wonderful - I am pea green with envy! There are no such workshops where I live. Every little jot and tittle looks so neat!

Tincan Crafter said...

Absolutely adorable - these printer's tray boxes always makes me think of my little Dolls house I had when I was a child - I used to try and make furniture out of bits of paper.

Inkypinkycraft said...

These boxes, including yours look wonderful and full of so many lovely details! Hope you are having a wonderful time, hugs trace x

debby4000 said...

WOW these are amazing.

Kathyk said...

Your pupils did indeed do a great job using your fab make as a model - splendid work

Happy Tuesday


Paper Profusion said...

Oh wow Brenda - those ladies are lucky to have you. You all must have had such a lovely time creating these gorgeous gorgeous pieces. Nicola x

Words and Pictures said...

Such delights in every little nook... Looks like a brilliantly successful class - wonderful makes all round!
Alison x

Junibears said...

Brenda what wonderful things you create. The Butterfly Box is superb and your ladies' work is too! I so admire your creativity. You are so special my dear! Hugs xx

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Wow Brenda, I'm missing words, these are wonderful projects.

catherine said...

This just looks so fabulous Brenda and I would love to make something like this. love all the pieces you have put inside it
x catherine

1CardCreator said...

These are all gorgeous, I bet they all had fun making them too! ~Diane

Gina said...

These are so all the teeny tiny memorabilia in them :D XXX

Annie said...

I so love this much detail. Wonderful project

TFS Annie x

Terry said...

Brenda, these are all works of art! So pretty and feminine in every detail! The class must have such a great time with all the knowledge and inspiration you share! Hugs!

nefertiti said...

Wow!! Great work Brenda!! lots of details!! bisous

Shirley said...

What an exciting workshop this must have been Brenda, everyone of the makes are gorgeous.

Crafty hugs from Shirl x x