Wednesday 19 September 2012

WOYWW #172

Oh I am getting frustrated, my internet connection is in and out like a fiddler's elbow at the moment and trying to get into blogland is so difficult. Been going on for ages too, I was supposed to get a call from the complaints department yesterday or the day before, they must be inundated cos they haven't contacted me yet!!!!! Perhaps that's another complaint to make lol.

Anyhow, onto even more important stuff.

Here is my desk (photo taken last night) and as you can see it's a total mess this week. I seem to have about 5 projects on the go and inbetween I made a tag and posted yesterday just cos I wanted to.

You can see a canvas I am working on on the foreground and that's my next workshop later this month. My Compendium of Curiosities and tools and equipment that all needs tidying away so I can get a space to carry on.

So dear Julia and WOYWWers what do you make of this lot then?

If you are interested in taking a trip around the world to see lots of crafty workspaces, pop on over to the Stamping Ground and take a peek at Julia's space and then link yours up too.
Go travelling and see what fun you have.

Hope to see you there.

Have a great Wednesday.

hugs {brenda} xox



Lou said...

I don't think that desk is that bad at all :) Look forward to seeing your canvas

Lou #98 xx

Inkypinkycraft said...

Your desk looks busy and I knowthe projects will be wonderfuL!! Good luck getting the Internet sorted!!!!have a great and creative week! Hugs trace.

Berry said...

Oh Brenda pity about your net it is so frustrating isn't it? I have had probs in the past and it just annoys me esp when they don't get it fixed!
Your desk looks a hive of activity I haven't played in WOYWW for ages really should join in again soon hugs Rebekah x

Jenny Marples said...

Thank goodness I'm not alone in trying to achieve three things at once!! Here's hoping you achieve them all:) Hugs, Buttons #79

Zue said...

Ever, busy, Brenda!
Hope you get your complaint sorted out soon. The canvas looks intriguing:)
We lost our connection last year when vandals stole the cable from the village. We did get an apology though it was not the fault of BT. xx

DesignerDiva said...

Morning Brenda its great to see where all your creativity takes place - it looks to be very busy there too at the minute - can't wait to see your canvas
Hugs Laurie xx

Angie said...

Looks like a very busy desk ...and the canvas looks interesting ....tried to get a closeup with no luck...great tag below too. As for cats ...not all cuddle ...Felix is very moody since the last 3 arrived and cuddles with no-one ...infact he eats and goes out til supper and hisses at everyone on his return....but is still loving with us.xx#8

Lindsay Weirich said...

I hope your internet is fixed soon! looks like you have plenty on your desk to keep you busy tho! Happy WOYWW Lindsay #28

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity said...

Your mess on your desk is not so bad (haha) I know what it can be by myself. I look forward to see your canvas.
Lovely greet

Helen said...

The canvas will be gorgeous... as is your crafty space!! Hope your internet gets sorted, fancy having to complain about the complaints department....!!! Helen, 5

Terry said...

Your desk looks like a creative process in the works! At least your desk can be seen! Hope you get the Internet service worked out soon! Not good! How is Becca doing? Have a great Wednesday! Hugs!

Junibears said...

I wish I had that much space to work on! it's a wonderful 'mess'! Hugs xx

lisa said...

It's so frustrating when people don't get back to you about stuff isn't it. I hope you get your internet problems sorted out eventually.
It's so interesting to see where everyone works. You have such interesting things on your desk, Brenda. I like the look of that canvas peeping out.
Hugs Lisax#93

catherine said...

A great place of creativity there Brenda. can't wait to see what emerges from the desk
x catherine

Cath Davidson said...

Lovely creative desk :)
I love working on canvas but not done one for years.
Cath x

cheryl said...

oh gosh,this is one really super creative desk,Hun,I love working on canvas,must get some again to play with hugs Cherylxxx

Gillian .... said...

Hi Brenda

Hope they sort your conncetion problem real soon. Always lovely to stop by your space, I see some fab works in progress. Happy WOYWW. Gillian #87

Tamika said...

I think multitasking is great!Tamika #139

Unknown said... this is what I call a real crafty space! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #36

Ali H said...

Lots of fun crafty stuff on your desk this week ! Sounds like you have a busy time planned ! Ali #53

Words and Pictures said...

Great shot of the workdesk - oblique angles are clearly the in thing this week! - looks productively creative to me, rather than messy!! Canvas looks fascinating... thanks so much for stopping by, Brenda, and happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Amanda said...

Loads of crafty playfulness, bliss, enjoy creating what looks to be great things.
Thanks for popping by to me
Amanda J @129 x

Daniella said...

Lovely creative chaos!! I always work on 5 projects at a time too!!

trisha too said...

Internet problems are MADDENING, but Brenda, your desk looks great to me!

Thank you for woyww visiting me this week!


Anne said...

Hi there you have a very creative desk- love it. As you saw mine was very tidy - cos I'd just tidied up :-) yesterday there wasn't a space to work in even if I could have got to it- it was that bad!!!!! Hope you get internet connection back soon. Anne x #149

VonnyK said...

The internet can be such a pain at times, hope it is working better for you now. Looks like lots of fun things happening. Interesting to see what you do with the canvas.
Have a great week.
Von #48

Tertia said...

The internet is great - when it works! Your desk looks great.
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia #46

Morti said...

A great desk with lots of lovely RUBs on, I see! No chaos, just floating creativity!

Thanks for stopping by....

Lynn Stevens said...

Looks way tireder than mine Brenda, just no time to clean these days.
hope your computer woes clear up soon.
have a great weekend.
hugs Lynn

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Lol Brenda that's not messy. If you can still see any portion of desk you are doing well in my book lol far more organised than my work area
Lindsay xx

Peggy Cain said...

I'm really late getting around but wanted to check it today... that canvas sure looks interesting.. hope you had a great week and one to come

Susanne said...

I'd say that you look plenty busy! Thanks for stopping by my blog - in a much more timely manner than I managed to this week. Love the tag on your last post (had to go peek since you dropped the hint!).