Saturday 15 October 2011

Ofsted is over

Thanks for all the good wishes for our Ofsted inspection this week at school. I am happy with the way it went and we await the report which will be with us in a couple of weeks and will be given to the parents and published.   In 3 1/2 days I have spent 50 hours at school and another 8 hours travelling to and from, so as you can imagine I am really tired, but .......................................................................................

I am now suffering ink withdrawal and need to get creating. I also need to go out and the kids are coming over tonight, but I am sure I can get something done today.

At least Lucy and I can share some crafty chat tomorrow as we are going to the local car-boot sale together.

I had a great boost on Wednesday as I have managed to get hold of the seasonal distress inks and they arrived in the post - YAY - and my Vagabond stopped working a couple of weeks ago, but good old QVC have replaced it as it was only 8 months old and that arrived yesterday so I am ready to get going again.

At the moment the sun is shining, the sky is blue and the cherry tree stands very proud with it's red leaves.

Have a wonderful weekend.

luv {brenda} xoxo

I am just checking challenges I had entered and I have been chosen as a Spotlight Artist for my Halloween Diorama at City Crafter Challenge.



Kathyk said...

Reckon you must've worn your Vagabond out but YAY QVC for replacing it for you .... and quickly so you weren't without it for too long. Sorry I missed your posts about the Ofsted inspection (but you KNOW why!) glad to hear it's over and I'm sure the report will reflect well.

All the best - enjoy your weekend


Hazel (Didos) said...

Glad your Ofsted trauma is over, Looking forward to seeing what you create now with your inky fingers, Love Hxx

Margreet said...

Congrats on being chosen as Spotlight so deserve that!...a great reward after such a hectic week...hope you have a wonderful weekend!
xxx Margreet

Junibears said...

No wonder you're exhausted! Glad it's over and you can get creating. Have a lovely weekend. xx

Neil said...

Not surprised you are tired after ofsted. My wife has just recently had it at their school so I never saw her for a few days! But they were judged outstanding so very pleased for them! Hope you get back into crafting too, it'll settle you down!

lisa said...

I'm glad your Ofsted went well, Brenda. I know how much work it takes.
Hope you manage to get lots of crafty relaxation over the next few days.
Hugs Lisax

Esther said...

Congrats on your spotlight !! I went through the Ofsted experience a few motnhs ago (I'm a fostering social worker) so am very glad for you that yours is over !! Hope you get some inking done..Esther xx

Sue B said...

Congrats on your win at City Crafter Brenda!! Sorry I have missed some posts :-(( can't keep up with the commenting as my internet is SO slow.
Sounds like you've been busy with the Ofsted Inspection! They must be nerve wracking! Bet you're glad it's over with!!
Hope you are well, and enjoy playing with those new inks !!! :-))
Hope you have a good weekend!
Hugs Sue xx

Lucy Edmondson said...

Thank you for a great morning yesterday and for sparing me your time. I was so delighted all had gone well for your Ofsted. You must slow down a little now if you can, and crafting is a good way to chill,

much love

Lucy x