Sunday, 2 October 2011

October Sunrise

What a glorious day yesterday, we got out our garden tables and chairs, that had been packed away for the winter, and had a BBQ.  But I had to share these pics of the sunrise at 6.30 this morning, the sky was so beautiful just as day was dawning.

 Have a wonderful day wherever you are and whatever your plans are.

luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox



Cindy Adkins said...

Oh my gosh, Brenda, this is soooo gorgeous!!! I love seeing your view. (I feel so funny without art on my blog. It feels so serious! lol)

Have a wonderful Sunday, my friend.
Love & hugs,

Margreet said...

With such a sunrise the day must be good Brenda....we are going to support our daughter who is having a 5 km run (for the first time in her life) will be hot and I hope she'll make it....wish you enjoy your sunny Sunday...(we planned to have a bbq tomorrow...again a sunny day!)...
xxx Margreet

Fliss said...

Stunning photos Brenda. I think ours was similar but I must have missed most of it as I didn't heave myself out of bed until 6.50 lol.
Have a lovely day too.
Hugs, Fliss xx

cheryl said...

oh hun these are stunning photos,really wonderful,hugs cherylxxxx

Unknown said...

Wow yes, so beautiful... nature is an art in colour .. thanks for sharing xxx

Juls said...

wow!!! such amazing pictures!! Hugs Juls

Irene said...

Stunning pics Brenda, have a good day.
Irene xx

Terry said...

Happy Sunday to you! Such a beautiful sunrise! Hope you had a wonderful BBQ! Hugs!

coldwaters2 said...

Wow Brenda that sky looks amazing so glad that you took them it isn't often we see such beauty. Hope you enjoyed your BBQ.
Lorraine x

Lucy Edmondson said...

How beautiful! Must have slept through this!

Lucy x

lisa said...

What breathtaking photos, Brenda. It was definitely worth being up so early to catch this.
The weather has been amazing hasn't it. Shame it won't last another week.
Hugs Lisax

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Brenda, these photos are fantastic.