Monday, 19 September 2011

Distress ink techniques

Hi All

This is my tag book of distress techniques which I will be teaching at The Art of Craft in Farnborough, Hants, on Saturday 8th October 10:00 – 3:00. 

I love my DIs and they are the most used product I own, they come out for almost everything I make, so having a book of techniques to refer back to is so handy to have. If you would like to make one too and can get along to the class I would love to see you. Ring 01252 377677 to book a place.

I know we won't get through all of these but there is a wide selection to choose from.

Have a fabulous week. More workshop news tomorrow.

luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox



Ink Art Designs said...

Wow, what a great idea! If I was anywhere near you I would definitely come to your tag workshops! There are some awesome techniques that you have shown.
Dot x

Irene said...

It looks fabulous Brenda, even more excited now, roll on October.
Have a good day.
Irene xx

Suze Bain said...

What a great idea and every technique looks amazing. xx

Margreet said...

This looks wonderful Brenda....too bad I live abroad....good luck with the workshops!
xxx Margreet

lisa said...

Funnily enough I had a dram about showing a friend all you could do with distress inks last night. See I even dream about craft!!!!!
I might have to make one of these tag books for myself, it makes a great point of reference. You pages are beautiful, Brenda and each one so different. How could we ever live without our DIs.
Hope all is good with you.
Hugs Lisax

Fliss said...

These all look gorgeous Brenda and I know what you mean about the DIs as they're always out being used here.
Hugs, Fliss xx

Kathyk said...

Oooooh, Aaaaahhh, so many pretty projects to gaze at! FAB piece Brenda - enjoy teaching your class, they're sure to love it.


Berry said...

Oh Brenda I so wish I could come to your class these are stunning and I would love to learn more what to do with distress inks! Hugs Rebekah xx

Anonymous said...

Anyone would be lucky to be able to attend one of your classes.
Great idea.

Silvia(Barnie) said...

A wonderful idea and a great project. Wish you a lot of fun during this workshop.

craftymum said...

wow Brenad
this is amazing. I wish I could be at Farnborogh!

hugs sarah x
p.s. I will DEFINITELY be at Ally Pally on Saturday

Von said...

Definitely the first ink I reach for too Brenda :)
Hope this will be the first of many classes you do :)
Von xxx

Lisa Jane said...

oh wow what fabulous pages .. with some stunning techniques .
Lisa x

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Beautiful technique tags. Wish you luck for the workshop!

DesignerDiva said...

WOW Brenda this is gorgeous, I wish I lived closer I'd certainly come to your class

Hugs Laurie x

Anonymous said...

So many great looks! Very cool!

Unknown said...

Hi Brenda, my goodness that is gorgeous! Sarah

Shelley Whiting's art said...

Wow those textures are very intriguing and gorgeous. I love all the variety. Beautiful work.

Juls said...

this is just fantabulous!!! Hugs Juls