Wednesday, 25 May 2011

More Blogger Problems and Good News for it.

First the bad news - I must apologise that I haven't been able to comment on your blogs, but I am one of those who cannot leave comments at the moment as I don't seem to be able to sign in or sign out of Blogger and I know they have posted that there is a problem.

BUT the good news is that I have moved from Internet Explorer to Firefox and hey ho I have been able to catch up on design team commenting without any problems. So hopefully I will be able to get round all my friends blogs very soon.

The next lot of bad news though is that I am having problems writing this post in Firefox so I will have to monitor the situation carefully.

So if you are one of the ones who is also affected - try changing your internet browser and see if that helps.

See ya later.

luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox


Unknown said...

Hi sorry Brenda to hear you are having Blogger problems, so far I am not ... so far... and hope it stays like this. By the way, you forgot to enter for my candy. Hugs xx

Fliss said...

Oddly enough Brenda, I was going to recommend Firefox as I have that and I did see that most problems seemed to come from Explorer.
I had a short hiccup yesterday but it's been fine since this morning.
Hope you get your problems sorted and if you need any help just shout.
Hugs, Fliss xx

Zoechaos said...

Good to see you Brenda glad you found a way to get back to us! I switched to Google Chrome a few weeks back when we all had the picture problem and have not looked back. I guess Blogger which I think is connected to Google (someone who knows better will probably tell us) has found a way to loosen Microsoft's strangle hold. Have to say Chrome is heaps better than IE. XOXO Zoe

Kathyk said...

YAY - good to be back isn't it? I too have been having a bit of a BENNY over blogger but it seemed to get fixed earlier today. I'm still using I.E. without issue now! Also had terrible problems with craftbubble but, apparently, that was "essential" maintenance!

Happy Wednesday


Netty said...

Thanks for leaving me a message.....great minds think

Unknown said...

Hi Brenda, I'v been trying to leave comments for the last two days with no success! Have changed to Google Chrome and so far OK. Haven't tried looking at my blog yet tho. Thanks for your comments on my blog - they are all appreciated. Sarah

Pami said...

Oh no Brenda you poor thing, its so frustrating isnt it. Hope it sorts itself out soon. Pami x

cheryl said...

hi hun I too had problems,not with all but most blogs,and could not get into my DT blogs,but looked up blogger help and they tell you there about any ongoing issues,so knew it was not me it was them,and they also give you a time,when it will be fixed so just left my settings alone,seems perfect now,hugs cheryl x
oh hun yes you can use any,dies to make the cards,I have used tiny ones,and whatever size seems to work fine,bless you for the comment hun,take care hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Brenda,
Oh, I sure hope that your blogger will be better soon--I've heard of alot of people having that problem today...Sending (((hugs))) your way!

Berry said...

Woo hoo I'm posting a comment first in 3 days! This is being done through firefox, though I still have IE for everything else and google chroem just to be on the safe side lol! Hugs Rebekah xx

Terry said...

I also switched to Firefox, but not sure if I like it. Don't really know how to use it and just don't have the time to play. Netty mentioned when you do the sign in thing, to uncheck the keep me signed in box. That worked for me! Of course, now I don't see the faces of my followers and someone just told me they tried to follow, but could not! Always something!