Saturday, 6 November 2010

The Stampman Challenge 9 - Anthing Goes Christmas

Firstly, 'Hi' to several new Followers who have joined my journey in artistic exploration over the past few weeks, Janie, Dustydavi, Caz, Jill (The Stampman), Vix, Julie, Deb, Agnieszka and Kym. It's lovely to have so many new people share this blog with me and I look forward to coming and seeing what you create too. I can't believe I am nearly at 100 followers and have decided once I get there I will post some candy. That gives me some time to decide what to get.

Today is Friday and it's a new challenge at The Stampman. I will be joining in soon, but just wanted to let you know that the theme this fortnight is 'Anything Goes - Christmas' and is hosted by Vix. Do go over and take a look at the gorgeous samples provided by the DT and I am sure there will be something Christmassy you will be making over the next couple of weeks and can enter into this open Christmas theme.

You will also see that the theme coming coming up on the 17th November is one I will definitely have a go at - 'Anything by Tim, Christmas challenge', so I will have to get my thinking cap on and get something sorted in plenty of time.

I know quite a number of you make ATCs and The Stampman has an ATC Swap blog too which runs for a calendar month each time. The theme this month is 'Take a Letter' and can be interpreted in any way you want. If you fancy making 3 of the same theme then enter them into the challenge, there is a prize for one lucky winner, but at the end of the month they are all divided up and shared out to all those who entered. I haven't made an ATC for ages, but I certainly will once work is finished.

Enjoy bonfire parties and fireworks this weekend and stay safe.

Take care luv {brenda} xxx



Janie Printz said...

Thanks for mentioning my name on your post ... I'm going to try & finish a Christmas themed card for your challenge & get it entered ...
Hugs, Janie

Kathyk said...

Thanks for the info - good to see so many others enjoying your blog, as I do.
