Friday 27 August 2010

Woo Hoo blog awards are running wild

Well another blog award this week, how lucky am I ??????

Thankyou Kathy for choosing me for this lovely blog award, what fun.

To qualify for this award I need to nominate 7 more people to give it to and tell you 7 facts about me. So, here goes  -

1. I love cats and have two of them. Since Ken and I got been married we have had 3 pairs of brothers, all male. Oh boy are they independent.
2. I have two fabulous kids, both left the nest and my son is married and we have 3 gorgeous grandaughters. (You will have seen pics if you have been following for a while).
3. I have 'retired' from teaching, having been a headteacher for 18 years I'd had enough stress and feeling tired so now I work part time as a school improvement partner. But with the new government that role could disappear by Easter. Oh well retirement could be on it's way.....
4. Ken and I got married on a Wednesday. An odd fact but I don't know anyone else married on that day. And it was a full white wedding.
5. Summer is my favourite season, I just love being warm.
6. I come from the St.Ives area in Cambridgeshire and have recently 'found' old school friends. Anyone else know that area?
7. Finding blogging and my art again has been great this year. I spend every hour I can playing and experimenting with paper, stamps, inks, colour and just anything I can get my hands on. My little office cum craft room is overflowing, goodness knows what will happen next. Oh well never mind.

Right 7 great bloggers to pass this on to -
Lisa, Heidi, Hazel, Shell - all my MAWTT team buddies who are great to be with and sooooo supportive.
Chris, Annette and Juls - who constantly keep me going with their encouragement.
Thanks girls.

Have a great end to the week especially if the weather improves.

Take care. Luv B xxx


Lisa Jane said...

Thank you Brenda - loved reading all your facts, and so nice of you to pass it on to me
Lisa ;)

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Congrats on your award hun, & thank you for thinking of me. Loved reading your facty things...
hugs shell xx

Hazel (Didos) said...

Thanks so much I love it. Off to pop it on now before I forget!!!