Monday, 14 June 2010

OSAAT DT here we come

Just a short post to say a big thankyou to everyone at One Stitch At A Time (OSAAT). I am sooooo pleased and excited to be joining the new team and looking forward to my new and first DT challenge. I have already started to make new friends so I am sure we will all have great fun.
Stay with me everyone and join in.

Have a lovely day and a great week.

Luv B xxxxx


Love crafts forever said...

Congratulations!!! I'm ther too.Woo-Hoo!!!
Hugs, Nataliya.

Unknown said...

Awww me too I'm in. I'm so excited xxx

Berry said...

Congrats! Can't wait to get working with all of you! Hugs Rebekah x

Unknown said...

Me too OSAAT Newbie, just trying to follow everyones blogs, look forward to gettnig to know you! Jo xxxx