Tuesday 20 April 2010

Congratulations on going it alone Diana

What a lovely morning we have again. I am watching the news everyday to find out about this volcanic cloud above us. I feel for all those families and people who have had such a miserable end to their holidays and are still stuck abroad waiting to get home. Let's face it we all love to go away but we are usually ready to come home at the end of the break. I just hope they all see it as an adventure and can make the most of things. I am checking Air Egypt as we are due to fly next Monday, but that's still too far away to know what is happening.

I said yesterday that my friend and neighbour, Diana, is celebrating a year of working for herself. She decided to leave her job working in a school, to start a gardening business.

As with all things like this it is a risk and there are no certainties. But, CONGRATULATIONS DIANA, she has had a stupendous year and build her client base so that she now has a waiting list of people who would like her services. That is just brilliant.

So here is my little contribution to wishing her well for the next year to come and saying well done for all the hard work she has put in this year.

I will see you later for a cup of coffee and a drink to celebrate Di.
LOL Bxxx

Challenge List
Crafty Catz #28 - Use red, green and a punch
Creative Cottage #6 - Things with wings
Cure Card Thursday #108 - Touchy, feely
One Stop Craft #76 - Things with wings
Flutterby Wednesday #105 - Butterfly, fairy or angel
Pile It On #15 - Spring
Sentimental Sunday #1 - Blooming Gorgeous


Juls said...

wow!! Just beautiful! Hugs Juls

Danni said...

Very nice! Hope you're able to travel, such a mess this volcano made!
Thanks for playing along with my flutter by challenge!


Hi Brenda
A beautiful card,thankyou for joining us at CraftyCatz for this week's challenge,
hugs Dianne xx

Jenny said...

Wow... I just love the cheerful colours you have used.

carol said...

its a beautiful card, sure she will love it, thanks for joining in with Craftycatz, x carol

raindropecho said...

This is gorgeous! Congrats to your friend, too. I hope that things clear up for you, and everywhere else that was affected. Thanks for entering this beauty into Sentimental Sundays :)
- Ann

Georgie Hughes said...

Morning Brenda,
I have not been around to comment on your posts lately. I have just been so busy with work,anyway I have browsed through your blog and see that you are still creating some awesome cards.It is always a pleasure to view your works of art,you never dis-appoint.Your friend is very lucky to have someone like you,this card is beautiful.Take care.

Shirl said...

Hi Brenda I'm sure your friend is going to love this card..stunning just like the others.
I know the Basingstoke Canal because I come from that area. I used to walk my dog very evening along the canal. I lived in Aldershot for most of my life and before coming to Ireland I lived in Ash. My family live in Fleet and Bordon.
Hugs Shirley x x x

Andrea M said...

Lovely card! Thanks for joining us at PIO!