Monday, 25 March 2024

Playing with Distress Watercolor Pencils - choosing the right stamps to colour up.

 Playtime just for me recently - no challenges or FB posts to think about just me wanting to explore how different stamps would work with the Distress Watercolor Pencils (DWPs) how they would stamp, the effects achieved and what to look out for when choosing my next stamps to work with.

Process steps -

Create a distress background with the dip, drip and dry method.

I haven't photographed it but I used a stamp platform for this technique which allows me to stamp over the same image as many times as I want as long as I don't remove the stamp.

I used wet DWPs on the stamp to get some depth of colour. To get them wet I just dipped them in a jar of water for a few seconds to activate the pigment and scribbled over the places I wanted the colour to be.

This stamp is from an old set of Tim Holtz stamps - Distress Damask CMS190 and although I love the damask designs this is definitely a stamp I would not use with the DWPs again. The etching of the stamps is so fine in many places the pigment from the pencils just lay in the tiny crevices and it was very hard to get a good outline of the images in it.
I will definitely add this to my new watercolour book as a reference point reminding me to look for stamps that have nice flat areas and space to get a good stamp from the coloured images.
Here you can see that I lay my wet pencils on a piece of kitchen roll between dippings and at times some colours might get to close to other pencils and leave some pigment behind on them.
I gently use damp kitchen roll or a babywipe to clean them up and leave them out for a while to dry out before putting them back in their tins.
