Monday, 9 July 2018

Faux encaustic tile - shabby vintage

I told you you'd be seeing more of this faux encaustic technique from me, I am still bitten by the bug.

Seal the substrate with white gesso and adhere some random pieces of text paper. Seal them with decoupage otherwise they will soak up the paint which will be added later.
Scrape white gesso over creating both high and low texture. Heat dry.

 Add some acrylic colours using a wet wipe to create a third, two thirds areas. I decided I wanted a defined line so I laid over a piece of paper to mask off the bottom area. I used pyrrole red, titan buff and titanium white

Use cobalt teal hue, diarylide yellow, pyrrole red, titan buff and titanium white for the lower section.

It was here I decided the pink line was too obtrusive so I blended some titan buff and titanium white across it and slightly into the top and lower sections to remove it.

I also decided this is where I would introduce some 'vinategeness' (is that a word?) to it.
To do this and spritz it with water and with a fine paintbrush drop in some raw umber and burnt sienna acrylic paint. (I repeated this several times to get the effect I wanted drying with my heat tool between each layer).

Now it's time to layer the first coat of decoart clear modeling paste with a palette knife and drop in some dry used tea leaves. Leave it to dry.

Next I wanted to try to 'carve' into the dry modeling paste. I drew three stars with a pencil, etched the shapes with a pokey tool and then blended a dark brown distress pen over them and rubbed away the excess to leave the stars outlined with the ink.

My first try at these - they look too dark so I got a fine brush and titanium white paint and coloured them in. I'm not too unhappy with them - I'm having to embrace the learning processes and outcomes that can be experimented with another time. In fact after I had taken this photo I decided to play with watery blues and white.

I blended in some more of the colours and then did asemic writing using a white uni-ball pen which turned out not to be permanent.

Now layer the second coat of decoart clear modeling paste and here I added the pink butterfly, laying it into the surface of the wet texture and slightly covering it. I left it to dry overnight.

I really liked how this was progressing and didn't want to add too much more to it, so I did some more white asemic writing, white splatters of titanium white and a little more brown edging and I also glued the coloured chipboard dots on ....

..... before scraping over the last layer of clear modeling paste and fixing the other embellishments into it.

I love the little heart frame with just a touch of random colour on it and the stars have a fabulous aura round them from the distress ink bleeding when the modeling paste was added.

The background looks as though it has depth even where there is no pattern underneath it.

 And the flowers just fitted perfectly.

I decided to make this into an easel card to put in my shop space. First paint a canvas board and add some white gesso, paint over a slightly dirty wash.

Add some white remnant rubs.

 Adhere an easel to the back. (I used the Tim Holtz die and mount board).

Now it's being packaged up for selling.

Thanks for stopping by.