Sunday, 15 April 2012

PanPastels - One for the boys

I have a postcard for you today as my DT piece for the PanPastel UK challenge - One for the Boys. I wanted to stay away from the cars and transport theme so I opted for photography instead. It certainly isn't girly so I am sure will fit this theme ok.

The background was made with PPs and masks to give that layered, texture look, I stamped straight onto the card as well as stamped images and cut out. I also coloured the reverse side by covering it lightly in the colours I had used on the front to give it an aged, vintage look. This is a Penny Black stamp.

Don't forget we have an amazing sponsor who provides a sample pack of two PanPastels for you to try out with, do go over to Your Creativity Store to see their amazing prices on these fabulous pans of colour.

I hope we will see you over at the challenge blog too to show us what you have been making with a masculine feel to it. Remember you don't have to use PPs in your piece, but of course we love it when you do.

hugs {brenda} xox

Sunday morning catch-up
I had a brilliant day yesterday at Ally Pally catching up with friends and meeting new ones and still some I missed.
Lovely people I caught up with were -
Von - Messy me
Shirley (FSC) - Shirl's Cards
Joanna - Under a Creative Spell
 Ruby (Ruby 2 Shoes)
 Gillian of Gillian's Mixed Media Musings 
 Nikky - Minxy - The Altered Inker
Heidi - The crafty goat girl
and very quick hellos to
Lin - Yours Artfully
Hels - Ink on my Fingers
and Jane and Penny from The Art of Craft
Although I spent alot of time chatting I still managed to spend loads of money!!!
