Friday, 30 September 2011

My new Blog Button

Today Cindy at Whimsical Musings has posted a free on-line seminar about how to improve your ratings on your blog and how to get more followers. Now whilst I am not trying to get a 10/10 blog, I do like to network to meet new people and to see the wonderful creativity there is out in blogland. So I decided to create a blog button to put in my sidebar with some html code that others can display if they want to.

This is my button -

Do pop over to Cindy's tutorial, it is very short but very informative and was great for helping me to understand how more of blogger links work - thanks so much Cindy for sharing this with us all.

Now I am off to create the html code and post this on my sidebar. If you have a button on your blog, do let me know and I can pop over and grab it.

Have a great Friday.

luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
