Monday, 6 March 2017

Shabby Mother's Day cards 1 and February Give-Away winners

Knowing I wanted to get a Mother's day focus to my little selling space I decided to make some really pretty, shabby cards to take up to the Packhouse. I actually made four of them - being in a 'wishful thinking' frame of mind. Here's two of them - they were all the same design and colours but each one of them just had that bit of individuality to it.

The winged hearts were metal charms and I gave them four coats of tinting base before rubbing on a little quartz rose treasure gold. It sat perfectly in the little hole of the tags I made. They were stamped with worn lipstick distress oxide, spritzed with water and dried to give them a worn and shabby appeal. The little Mother's Day greeting I made on the PC and printed out the size I needed them.

The flowers are shop bought, some I got when I was in America last year and some are from hobby craft. The beaded berries and white stem are from Anna Marie Designs.

I also used some bleached natural cocoa fibre and some muslin for greater interest.

The patterned papers are from the range and the blue backing and pennant was just from my hoard of papers that need using up.

I finished by painting some of the tinting base on the berries and flowers and eh voila ........

Are they selling? I'll let you know.

Update four days later and two of these cards have sold - woo hoo.

Onto my February give away winners now.

 First chosen by Random Org - #19

Thats Jan Hill - congrats Jan.

Second chosen by Random Org - #12
Thats Jackie Neal - congrats to you too Jackie.

If you could both email me your home addresses I will get these in the post to you and it will be a surprise when it arrives as both of you were happy with either of the dies.

Have a great week everyone.

hugs Brenda xxx