Sunday, 23 January 2011

'Love Blog' Award

I have been given and accepted this award from my blogging friend Dora at Especially for You Cards. Thankyou Dora I really appreciate this.

Here are the conditions for the 'Love Blog' award

You have been TAGGED and want to participate?

Create a post where you post the 'LOVE BLOG' image.

You should also blog the person's link that gave you the award and inform her/him that you accept the award.
You can then choose 3 - 5 favourite blogs which you also link in your post, then each blogger will inform you that they have been tagged.

I would love to give this award to all my followers, who without them I wouldn't be here, but since there are rules to follow I am going to pass this on to these people who I haven't shared awards with before but all deserve exposure because they create beautiful things.

Angela - Pages by the Sea

Pami - Pami's Crafty Creations

Sue - Little Imperfections

I hope they like the award, it is given with great respect for the work they do. The aim of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so I would ask you not to blog fellow bloggers that already have 3,000 followers.

luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox


Altered Bracelet

Hi Everyone - I hope your Sunday is going well. A big hello to Shirley-Anne, 'Eatareeces', Sharon and 'Oxford6' who have joined me on this creative journey.  Blogger won't allow me to see your blog names or send a message to you, so please let me have your blog addresses so I can come visit you.

This is a second short post for today. I have had this bracelet on the make for months now and decided I must get it finished. It was a car-boot find and as soon as I saw it I could see how I could alter it.
So here it is.

This first photo shows you what the bracelet looked like during transition and you can see that the discs were empty and had holes in the middle, the top 3 discs show the changes being made.

This second and third photos show you the completed project with photos of my son Ben, my daughter-in-law Bev and grandaughters Becca, Ella and Maddison. The holes have been filled with gold sequins to keep the overall effect.

Thankyou to those who have kept me in their thoughts this week and asked how Tuesday went. The sun came out and we celebrated a wonderful woman's life. It was lovely to see family and friends together even though it was a sad occasion. I just have the internment to finalise now. I feel so blessed to have so many blogging friends who have been keeping a check on me, so thankyou again for all your support and friendship, I have really appreciated it.

I have been a bit of a bad blogger this week, but I am going to go hopping now and come and see some of you.

Have a great day and have fun.

Take care, luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

In My Thoughts

Good evening
This is just a quick post to get this card up and apologies for the quality of the photo but I have had to take it tonight.

I fancied making a shabby chic card again for a change and used these challenges for inspiration -
Simon Says Stamp and Show - Polka Dots  - the backing paper is dots as well but doesn't show up too well
The Shabby Tea Room - White and Bright
Simon Says - Bingo and I have chosen Lace (lace paper under the ribbon), flowers and ewmbossing (the frame shape at the top is from an embossing folder)
Crafty Creations - add a bird, polka dots and the colour green
My time to Craft - Spots and Dots

Sandown wasn't too bad today, I got an Ottlite lamp as my bench lamp has broken and this new one is very bright. I also managed to get the ink dusters at a really good price straight from Inkylicious themselves. If you saw them demonstrated on C&C you will know what I am talking about. I have already had a go on this card this evening and think they are going to be excellent to get some very soft effects with the distressing inks.

Have a fab Sunday to finish off the weekend.

Take care and thanks for taking a look here.

Luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
