Friday, 13 April 2012

Hen tag

I have used another of those pieces I had played with the other night (see post below) and created this fun tag. It's strange how pieces evolve. 

I had no idea how I was going to use the inky tag until I looked through some vintage images and was taken with this hen - why? I don't know, but it took me off in a direction that was fun to explore. 

Music paper and gold stamped clock for the cock singing in the mornings; wire mesh depicting the hen coop and a saying by Margaret Thatcher I think is great. I really quite like this.

I would like to say hello to new visitors and thanks for sharing my creative journey with me.

Also I just had to show you the parcel opened that I received from the Funky Junkie Boutique, courtesy of my good friend Terry. I still haven't unpacked all the little bags but I have had a peek - well I couldn't resist could I?

I so want to get playing shabby chic now.

Hope your week has gone well. Enjoy the rest of the day.

hugs {brenda} xox
