I will not be around for a few days to comment on your wonderful posts. I have had a quick look through the dashboard tonight and visited some of your blogs, but I am sorry I haven't been able to comment on your amazing creations I have seen.
If anyone knows anything about our English schools inspection process you will know exactly how I feel when I say my school has Ofsted on Thursday and Friday. For those of you who don't know, it means a team of inspectors will be in for 2 days interrogating our data and policies, observing the teaching, talking to staff and children and generally looking for evidence of pupil's standards and progress and the quality of teaching and learning to be able to make a judgement about our school. I didn't get home tonight until 11.00 pm as I am getting all the pre-inspection paperwork ready.
Wish us luck and I will chat again at the weekend.
For now my school and staff will have my full attention with our aim to have a very positive judgement.
Take care.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox