Friday, 17 March 2017

Inspired by Kate Crane

It was an amazing couple of days at Stitches in Birmingham a few weeks ago and this year I was able to spend a bit of time with the lovely Kate Crane, she was demoing on the Country Love Crafts stand for DecoArt and also did a workshop on the Tuesday that I helped out with - intending to do some of the tag she was teaching too. Unfortunately I didn't get much finished but Kate is like me and produces teaching notes so I was able to have a play when I got home.

This is where I got to and what happened next -

Yes I know the colours Kate chose are beautiful but I wanted to be inspired by her and not coy her completely. So I adapted mine in terms of colour and mark making. I changed to pyrrole red and added burnt umber to it to make my own deeper, grungier tone.
Text that had been glued to the original tag was disappearing fast so I added some stamping and all the layers Kate had written down. to get this -

I used one stencil the same and one that was different. and also added small talk stickers.

I used different stamps and doodled in my own way.

But eventually I ended up with something very similar but not an exact copy.

Mine's on the left and Kates is on the right. You can see how the colours are more muted but still very bright for me.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you've got planned or even with what you've not got planned, I have to say I'm looking forward to mine.

Take care.

hugs Brenda xxx