Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Blogaversary and 1000th post Giveaway

I have a double celebration to share with you. The 29th January was my FIVE year blogaversary and yesterday saw me publish my 1000th post. I never ever dreamed I would get this far when I started in 2010 and when I look back at what I was making then I cringe. It's been a fantastic five years, I have learnt sooooo much and more or less found my niche in the crafting world, although I still love experimenting with new styles and products, I feel now that I am at home with my art and that's a lovely feeling.

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all you lovely people who have been following me over the years both as Blogger and Google followers and those of you who follow by email too. I am very proud that my blogger stats show that I get 10,000+ page views a month, that just blows my mind to think that so many people visit to see what I am making and creating.

So if you would like to join my celebration and you are a *'follower'* please leave a comment below and I will use Random Org on the 24th February to choose the winner.
(A Follower is anyone who has subscribed to my blog through the Blogger Followers list, Google Followers and those who subscribe through the Follow by Email widget).
If you are unable to leave a comment on the blog as an email subscriber, please do email me and I will add you to the list.

Thank you again for being part of my life.


“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time”.
 ~Thomas Merton


Always listen to the heART.

hugs Brenda xxx