I don't know when I will find time to get all the 12 tags of Christmas done - this is Day 5, but I have missed days 1 and 2 and now have days 6 and 7 to catch up on as well. I stayed up till the early hours of this morning catching up with bits and pieces and couldn't finish this one till the post arrived this morning as I didn't have the metal flower and foliage. As it is I've used different stamps and numbers - but hey ho as I said yesterday that's some of the fun of doing these tags.
If you haven't been over to Tim's blog to see his inspiration then pop over now to have a look. Each day is so different but everyone just stunning.
Hope your week is going well, I am slowly getting the decs up, and love it when it is all done. At least Ken got the outside lights up and working at the weekend. Of course we are the first house in the close to do so.
Take care and thanks for stopping by.
luv {brenda} xoxox