To be eligible for the Certificate you must state 3 things that makes you different from everyone else and you must nominate 5 other lovely blogs to receive it. Lastly, you must display the Blog Award Badge (above) in your sidebar and link it back to the Digi’s With Attitude! Challenge Blog.
So these are the 5 blogging friends who I spend alot of time chatting to and who give me alot of support - and they are my MAWTT team mates. Shell, Hazel, Lisa Jane, Heidi and Kelli.
The 3 things that make me different from anyone else???????
1. I am much older than the other four!!!!!!
2. I am slow at creating my cards and pieces of art.
3. I am easily distracted from what I am doing - so that's why I'm slow eh??
Enjoy girls.
Luv {brenda} xox