Saturday, 1 June 2013

UPA - What is shabby chic in art and craft RAQ

Welcome to Bumblebees and Butterflies, this is my second post today and if you haven't seen it yet I would love for you to scroll down one post to see a cabinet card album I made for Country View Challenges.

However over at Unruly PaperArts this month the focus is on 'Shabby Chic' (SC) with lots of information and inspiration during the month from the columnists, plus there are two Reader's Art Quests (RAQs) around the theme, one is' pink, cream and brown' SC projects, the other is 'SC in 3D'.

For my RAQ project I have used many elements to achieve the shabby chic look I wanted in a 3D dimensional project..

Pastel colours - mint green, pale pink, white, cream and walnut stain.

Flowers with glitter and butterflies with script stamping over them.

Some sewing elements keeping it feminine and a crackled heart.

Distressing the balsa wood box which has been painted white, rubbed down and brown distress ink added to give it an aged feel.

The pretty shabby paper has been edged with walnut stain to create the old and worn look.


Pretty bottles and a cherub frame.

Tickets and cream roses.

Although not shown on these photos this box also has a slide-in lid which will keep all the cubby holes dust free whilst it is on display. Such a neat thing and it was a workshop I did last week, we barely had 3 hours to do it in, but the ladies took home the last little bits to finish it off, they loved what they made and they did a magnificent job.

I would like to enter this into the Simon Says Stamp and Show challenge this week, 'Into The Woods'.

I hope you have a great month of June and that the weather is kinder to us all in the northern hemisphere.

Take care.

hugs {brenda} x0x


Using die-cuts at Country View Challenges and Tutorial

Hey it's June already and that means a new theme at Country View Challenges. This month it was chosen by  Trace and she would like to see your projects using die-cuts
It's not often I am really pleased with what I have made, but I am today. This is a cabinet card album made with Tim Holtz dies Vintage Cabinet Card and Mini Cabinet Card.

This shows the front cover.


Here are the pages and ……..
the finished album.







Please don’t tell hubby he is the star of the show today, he has seen the album but doesn't look at my blog lol.

I have also experimented with using Windows Live Writer which is where the white base edge on the photos has come from - don't know why????? I am sure I will learn more about it as I go along.

So do you want to know how I made the album? My readers will know that I promised to work on some video tutorials, but no you won’t hear my voice as I have made this first one using photographs rather than a video camera. Still got to get that one organised!!

I hope this works ok.

I want to say a huge thanks to Chris who helped me learn how to get this video done, she went through every aspect with me both side by side on her laptop and then over the telephone too. Thanks Sis I appreciate all your time.

Thanks to you too for visiting today, have a great weekend and a fab month of June, I hope I will see you over at CVC during the coming weeks.

hugs {brenda} x0x