Friday, 26 December 2014

Ring–ring, ring-ring…… new challenge at AVJ

Ring out the old – Ring in the new

It is my turn to choose the challenge at AVJ for the next fortnight and I thought it should be themed around the New Year but trying to keep it as ‘open’ as possible.

I found a short poem –
“Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.”
Alfred Tennyson

This inspired me to think about using the bells die, I don’t have the big one just the mini movers and sharpers ones but even with Christmas looming I didn't get much of a feel for it. I also thought about using the Tim clock but some of my amazing teamies were posting their fantastic contributions with clocks on and I decided I needed to go in another different direction. It was after chatting to my sis about it that she took me off to ‘telephones’ – ringing friends and family to wish them a Happy New Year. So this is my contribution for ‘Ring out the old, ring in the new’.


The Tim telephone was cut in greyboard, daubed with black soot distress paint and a small amount of vintage photo, broken china and peeled paint distress embossing powders sprinkled in and heated. When cool I blended walnut stain distress ink over it.

The cover was made with a linen type fabric sponged with tarnished brass distress paint.
Over this I adhered some old telephone book pages and then I applied Wendy Vecchi's black embossing paste through the clockwork stencil and let dry then some black gesso through Tim's texture layering stencils.
When that was dry I stamped some images, words and numbers in black, brown and white acrylic paints and used black and white posca pens for outlining some of the numbers.
These became the covers. I added just a few collage pieces…..
… and another collage on the inside cover…
.. some tabs …
.. and left the back cover with just the textured background.
Tim’s label letters came in really useful for the index and the front cover. My inspiration this week was his telephone die and the layering stencils. By using other textures (book paper, hessian and sewing) and mixed media techniques I am really quite pleased with the outcome.
I hope you'll be inspired to translate the theme in your own way for this challenge.

Have fun.

Hugs Brenda xxx