Some of you know that I have a sister who lives about 60 miles away from me and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis many years ago. As time has gone on it has progressively got worse to the point that Chrissie's joints are very swollen and painful. This has affected her mobility and the use of her hands. She is a crafter and a designer but finds it very difficult to do very much now. You can imagine how I felt when she presented me with this lovely book this week. I had to show it to you.
As you can see it is a book that she has made and put together herself. I love it.

Chris loves using frames in her work and you can see how she incorporates them into this style. Distressing is not something she has been used to, but saying that she still knows how to use it to good effect.
I shall treasure this book and I shall use it for inspiration, there are several things in it that I haven't thought of using or doing.
Thankyou Chrissie, I am touched by the sentiments and I shall always look at it with love and pride.
LOL Bxxx