This little box has been hanging around my desk for ages just waiting to be altered, so I decided to use my PanPastels on it. Firstly I painted it with white acrylic paint and when dry blended magenta, magenta extra dark and white PPs completely over it, inside and out and then sprayed with silver spray and
I stamped the sides and lid and onto some tissue wrap and added some pearls and lace round the sides and lid.
To complete this little box I made rosettes - 5 layers in total, making 3 rosettes and added a little bead on the top.
Come and have some fun with us at PanPastel UK and you could be in with a chance of winning a set of pans and some tools from Your Creativity Store.
If you are reading this on Sunday then I am away at the Isle of Wight music festival. When I finalised the post the long range weather forecast looked like rain, rain and more rain. We don't camp thank goodness, but I will let you know what it was like when I get back. Some great bands on with Bruce Springstein doing a 2 3/4 hour set tonight.
If you are reading this on Sunday then I am away at the Isle of Wight music festival. When I finalised the post the long range weather forecast looked like rain, rain and more rain. We don't camp thank goodness, but I will let you know what it was like when I get back. Some great bands on with Bruce Springstein doing a 2 3/4 hour set tonight.
hugs {brenda} xox