What horrible weather to come home to. Ken and I have been on a 2 week winter break to Lanzarote and loved it. We have never been away at this time of year before, but it's certainly something I would do again.
So my posts have been scheduled and everything seemed to go fine until Wednesday when the post went live but no photos!!! Thanks to those of you who left me comments but I didn't have access to a PC, only had my Ipad, so I couldn't do anything about it. But here now are the pics.
I used a Gecko Gals image and MME backing paper, cut from a 12 x 12 page.
So I got 4 for my collection. Trouble is I haven't written one yet, got lots to do now.
Some Frantage to add a bit of bling.
And the snowflakes made from punches.
The washing machine is on, I have a project to get made today for a workshop I am doing on Thursday, I have to work most of next week and the decs have got to be got down from the loft.
But I am now excited to get into preparing for Christmas and seeing the family again.
By all accounts Becca is doing well, she is back at school part time and doing her mock GCSE exams to see what she needs to catch up on. The Consultant was pleased with her when she saw him last week. Thanks everyone who has kept in touch with me about her and thanks Terry for your parcel which I saw when I checked my post this morning. I will be getting in touch with each and every one of you personally.
See you soon, thanks for stopping by and have a great day.
hugs {brenda} xox