It's faux encaustic time again. I was really trying to add different types of inclusions into these layers - paper, natural elements, hand written and card.
Seal greyboard media board with white gesso and blend titan buff, titanium white, medium grey and burnt sienna media fluid acrylics with a sponge. Adhere some tissue wrap sealing it with decoupage sealer.
Layer on a thickish coat of the decoart clear modeling paste and lay in some inclusions. I went and grabbed some dry grass from the garden and some seeds which were too big so I used some dry tea leaves from a used teabag instead. I added a little more of the modeling paste and left it to dry.
I timed the drying process and this particular board took 7 hours plus to fully dry but the modeling paste was quite thick around the seeds of the grass.
For the next layer I etched a dandelion seed head with a pencil and pokey tool and covered it with ground espresso marker. When I rubbed the ink away some remained in the channels creating the drawing. I also used a sharpie pen to write in some words and a little asemic writing.

To finish add remnant rubs, some small splatters of titanium white paint, a significant word - mine was computer generated and the third and final layer of modeling paste.
Look how those lovely layers have built up with the modeling paste giving it a beautiful encaustic look and feel to it.
The dried grasses were very prominent at first but have now been encapsulated into the whole piece and even though the ephemera were the first pieces to be stuck down including the card flower it's leaves look as if they are much higher than the type keys - but they're not.
I hope you're enjoying the faux encaustic work as much as I am loving making it.
Enjoy making and creating your own special art.
Look how those lovely layers have built up with the modeling paste giving it a beautiful encaustic look and feel to it.
The dried grasses were very prominent at first but have now been encapsulated into the whole piece and even though the ephemera were the first pieces to be stuck down including the card flower it's leaves look as if they are much higher than the type keys - but they're not.
I hope you're enjoying the faux encaustic work as much as I am loving making it.
Enjoy making and creating your own special art.