Monday, 22 September 2014

Mixed media background and Frameworks

This is my second post for today, if you've missed my tattered leaf tutorial scroll down to get a link for it.

My Country View Crafts project samples seem to be coming thick and fast at the moment and it’s my turn again to post over on the Projects Blog. I have to say this is one of those pieces that you stand back and say ‘I’m really pleased with this one’ (and that’s not often it happens for me!!!!).
When I began I wasn’t sure what I was going to make a card or a journal page? But if you pop over to the CVC Project Blog you will see what I did.  Here is a sneak peek for you, hopefully to tease you into taking that closer look and see all the layers I have included.
Happy Monday wherever you are, have a great day and a fabulous week and thanks for stopping by.

hugs Brenda xxx

Destination Inspiration at AVJ

Welcome to a new week and a busy Monday morning for me. This is the first of my posts today where I am inviting you to pop over to A Vintage Journey to see how I made the shabby leaves on my autumn canvas that I posted on Friday. 

I had found this picture on the internet and wanted to recreate the wonderful colours and veins.
Autumn leaves
Do you think I have achieved it?
I would love it if you manage some time to take a look and let me know what you think.

See you in about six hours with another autumn themed piece for Country View Crafts.

Have a great day.

hugs Brenda xxx