Monday, 19 September 2016

Guest at Anything But Cute

I so rarely get the opportunity to enter challenges these days so it's always a pleasure to take part but to find myself chosen as the winner of Anything But Cute's Summer Fun challenge was the icing on the cake and I get to do a guest post over on their challenge blog. Thanks to Pamellia and the brilliantly talented team for the opportunity.

The lovely Branka has chosen the challenge and of course if you've seen a previous post of mine this month you will know I sadly lost a very great friend recently to cancer, so this project and theme is dear to my heart.

At Anything But Cute they describe the theme thus-
Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. We want you to show us a mixed media creation that's inspired by friendship. You can create anything, from tags to art journal pages but make sure it's a mixed media piece. Let's celebrate friendship together!

For my make I took one of Tim's mini clipboards to alter.

It's about celebrating our friends and friendships and for me that's not only my personal friends that I have made over the years but all my blogging and crafty friends many of whom I have met in real life. Where would we be without each other?

I chose to use a vintage photo that I picked up from the internet that shows a group of friends - I think they may have been in a production as they might well be wearing costumes - but whatever they look happy together.

Please pop over to Anything But Cute to find their challenge details and if you would like to see how my project came together please click HERE to be transported over.

Have a wonderful week.

hugs Brenda xxx