This is my second rust project for the challenge at Country View Challenges and I think this sort of ended up how I imagined yet it is so different for me. All the time as I kept adding more colours I was imagining Lucy Mabel Attwell pictures. Many of them had similar tones of strong colours in them.
Process Steps
Use modelling paste and create lots of texture with stencils and leave it to fully dry.
Use modelling paste and create lots of texture with stencils and leave it to fully dry.
Give it a coat of white gesso prime everything to take the next layers of colour.
Start to mix the colours in a pallette .....
Then use the colours to paint over the embellishments one colour at a time.
On to the next colour .......
.... and the next ......
..... then return to all the colours and repeat the technique again till you're happy with the result.
When everything is dry take raw umber, burnt umber, paynes grey with a water spritzer .......
and quinacridone gold to add in some rusty areas.
Here are some close ups of the effects. I'm sorry about the photos but whether they were taken inside or out of a light tent didn't seem to matter, they all look a little odd to me.
Thanks for reading through the post. I hope you are able to gain a little inspiration from it even if it's not totally your style either.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
hugs Brenda xxx