Well if you saw my Face Book post last Wednesday you will already know my exciting news. The amazing Andy Skinner has asked me to be one of the teachers at Mixology in Coventry on the 19tyh and 20th November this year and I am still pinching myself as it's a dream come true. I will be sharing the day with the fabulous Mark Gould so that he and I will both do two half days each. Now I'm here to tell you that the booking is open for this retreat but I believe that sales are going really fast and if you wanted to come along you need to get in quick to see if there are any spaces left. (Click the Mixology link above).
I just got to get my head round a project and there are lots of ideas floating about, so that's good seeing as my mojo has been missing for a few weeks and half a day brings the potential down for me to overdo things too.
At the moment I am working on my Country View Crafts workshop project for July and on Saturday created this grungy, shabby crackle using DecoArt weathered wood medium with their chalk paints and media acrylics.
This is going to be a beach hut project so you can see it's pink, shabby with touches of vibrant colour but still weathered and vintagy. I'll let you see more when I've finished it.
Thanks for stopping by and for all the lovely comments you leave me.
Have a great week.
hugs Brenda xxx