Tuesday and a Bank Holiday here in the UK which feels like a Sunday and because of that I almost forgot Tuesday Treasures, but my treasure fits the theme of the weekend with the Diamond Jubilee celebrations at an end now.

These were the celebrations last night at the Diamond Jubilee Concert. The queen obviously enjoyed herself.
We had a small gathering a my neighbour's house on Saturday night and I managed to finish the bunting I was making just in time.
There are 65 finished triangles and they have been sewn back-to-back so 130 of them cut altogether. I wouldn't have got it done without Becca who cut them and started sewing them together last weekend.
Now completed this measures at least 18 metres long and went all round the conservatory and through into the dining room.
The next time it will be used is for our summer Diamond Celebrations garden party in July as Ken and I both celebrate diamond birthdays this year.
I hope you have had a great weekend and enjoyed some sort of celebrations.
If you have a special treasure you would like to share please link it below and I will be over to see you as soon as possible.
I do have to warn you that I have internet problems at the moment. There is a network fault with Virgin and they tell me it could be a whole week before it is resolved. In that time I will only have intermittent service, but I will get over as soon as I can.
Have a great week and see you again soon.
hugs {brenda} xox