Monday, 17 January 2011

Out of the mouths of babes and Stamper mag win

No card today just a quick catch up of news

Ella, my 4 year old grandaughter,        
"I don't know why the children have to do all the work at school Granny, instead of the adults".               Both she and Maddison, the 2 year old, stayed on saturday night for a 'sleep-over'. Oh how blessed I am with my girls.

Just before Christmas I sent off an entry to the freebies section for the December Stamper Magazine and guess what?????? I won some stamps - woo hoo. Really nice steampunk Christmas stamps from The Artisrtic Stamper. Aren't I the lucky girl? Only problem is I haven't had my next magazine as they have had printing problems. All the ones for the shops are out, but not for those who have a subscription, pain.

It's the funeral tomorrow, all arrangements have been made and errands run. Just hope it goes smoothly now.

I'll be back soon.

Take care, one and all, and thanks for stopping to read this.

Have a good week.

luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox
