

Friday 26 May 2017

Crafting from the Sofa #3 - layered tags panel

I am still playing with the distress oxides as I love the results and they are easy enough to use with a craft mat on a lap tray. I have decided that the double pages in my Midori notebook are going to have similar colours to them so after #4 is finished I shall go back to #2 and make another vintage one and mount beside it. Here's #3. Please note this post was written on the 11th May, one week after I had broken my leg and scheduled for today.

Ok you have probably realised I am writing this blog post as I complete stages to the project, so this is #3 and the background was created by dipping media paper in watery vintage photo, worn lipstick and fired brick distress oxides, dried off and dipped in the same colours again. For some reason I decided I wanted it a much richer red so it got a coupe of dips in fired brick on its own and when dry splattered with walnut stain, dried off with a piece of kitchen roll and splattered again.  I thought I had photographed this stage but I can't find it, sorry.
I then gathered some tags and started looking for elements to add.

You know when you have limited supplies and are not able to go looking for something else I decided to make my own focal elements and tore some scraps of leftover media papers and drew some flower bases and stems to go with them and cut them out ....

.... and started arranging the bits.

I cut the panel to size and started putting the layers together with the mini attacher.

I really liked the way it was going together.

By the time I'd added it to the cvc flower journal I used remnant rubs which actually express how I feel even with a broken leg and not being allowed to move off the sofa.

Thanks for stopping by and for all the lovely messages I have received by various means - they really mean a lot and help to keep me buoyant.

Avoid the next bit if you hate injuries .............

I had to have my cast changed yesterday as my leg was swelling a bit, just look at the amazing colours one week later.

I also saw the x-rays and where the breaks are, a spiral one in the lower shaft of the fibular and another small one in the posterior malleolus which is the very end of the tibia, clever aren't I?

But I'm staying positive and have a wonderful hubby, family, friends and neighbours who are looking after me.

hugs Brenda xxx


  1. Nice work on your tag panel...and ohhh what a foot ;O( hope you are better know.

  2. Ouch! But it must have been nice to get some air to the injured area in this heat X Love that you call the stapler a "mini attacher" son recently used the phrase "disassembly tool" which I now call my hammer :D XXX *Love your project as always*

  3. Fantastic tag panel. I love it!
    Valerija xx

  4. Limitations certaiily lead to creativity!!! First up, love that colour combo of DOX, and the way the collage elements are layered looks super! Those flowers are so creative! As to your leg, - ouch indeed, the colours might suggest another pallet for a background lol.... Hang in there and yes, stay positive, I'm sure it will help the healing

  5. Wonderful colours ... Both the DOX tag and your ombré ankle! Now I am sure I cut you some wild flowers! But love your own designs too. Admiring your positivity Brenda... This too will pass... And we will be running around Redfields again soon xxx

  6. I'm so glad you have such a great support network! I would be such a baby!!! LOL! Another fab page and love the floral images! Hugs, Autumn

  7. You are such a master at collage, I love your page, from the gorgeous background to the Tim staples - beautiful work!

    Oh your poor leg! I do hope the new cast allows for a bit of swelling, it is far too hot to be uncomfortable and/or be in pain! I hope you have a lovely weekend.... Hugs, Anne xx

  8. Your collage is masterly Brenda! A really unhappy fall - indeed! Get well soon!Enjoy a nice couch weekend!
    oxo Susi

  9. Your tag is absolutely gorgeous!! Your injured leg ... not so much! Ouch -- you poor thing!! I admire your positive spirit and ability to continue to create. Your work is always such an inspiration -- thank you!!

  10. Such a gorgeous page will look back and remember all this crafting from the sofa. Enjoy having everyone around over the bank holiday and I hope the green house is holding up. Hugs xxx

  11. Oh gosh, I hurt for you just looking at those pictures of your foot, Brenda. I hope it is healing and the pain is lessening. Your page is spectacular!! What gorgeous colors!! I love the layers and details!! And I so enjoy seeing how your works of art come together!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  12. Your card looks gorgious , your foot looks less gorgious , I hope the colours will easely disappear!! And that it will soon be less painfull! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. What a beautiful card, love the layers. Your poor leg! Hope it is healing now, fingers crossed. Hugs Jan x

  14. Great layering and love those flowers you created!
    Brenda, do you find some papers work better with Oxides than others? I just love these and can't wait for the next set of colors!!

    Holy cats-talk about colors! looks like your Oxides spilled over onto you leg and foot! OUCH!
    Wishes for you for continued healing Brenda!
    hugs,Jackie xx

  15. HOWDY HONEY!! Have you ever been around COTTON? Your "flowers" look JUST like cotton. Oh yeah - I have even gone up and down rows and picked cotton. Soooo.... I just ADORE your very creative COTTON. Go online and put in cotton bolls!!! Really GREAT creativity.

    AND... creativity from the couch has not stopped you at all from producing AMAZING THINGS like you always do. So proud of you for doing your best to carry on. It is AWESOME artwork - it truly is Brenda. I'm praying for those bones to mend faster than expected. Hugs. j.

  16. Awesome tag panel, Brenda! I hope you get relief from your leg soon.

  17. Wow! Brenda, even more colour and I don't mean on the card Lol! However the page is gorgeous and I do love your choice of colours there too. I love using tags on journal pages and cards as it adds lots of interest to the layout. Try to relax (not that you have much choice Lol!) and have a good weekend. Happy crafting, Angela xXx

  18. Oh, mein Gott, Brenda...wie sieht dein Fuß und dein Bein aus? Tolle Farben :-)
    Ich hoffe, es geht dir schon etwas besser.
    Und das vor allem die Schmerzen nachlassen.
    Zum Glück kannst du ja weiterhin kreativ tätig sein, da du ja nicht deinen Arm gebrochen hast. Klingt richtig blöd, aber MIR ginge es dann bestimmt so.
    Es wäre sonst bestimmt noch schlimmer, wenn man garnichts machen kann.
    Aber Fuß oder Bein zu brechen ist schon schlimm genug.
    Du hast mein Mitgefühl, gute und schnelle Besserung, meine Liebe.

    Danke für deine vielen lieben Kommentare auf meinem Blog. Ich freue mich immer sehr darüber, wenn meine kleine Kunst auch von anderen lieben Menschen geschätzt wird.

    Ja, du hast recht, ich bin total im Weihnachts-Karten-Fieber.
    Das geht mir oft so...und das kann dann aber auch plötzlich vorbei sein.
    Ganz nach Lust und Laune.

    Deine Karte ist grandios mit vielen Details und den Tags...toll !
    Man sieht, dass dir das große Freude bereitet :-)

    Sei ganz lieb gegrüßt, und schone dich ein bißchen...
    Herzlichst Sophie

  19. Amazing assemblage piece Brenda - really love all the layering, cutting and stapling! My word - I realise you said these photos were old ones - but my those colours! Goodness me! Take care! Big hugs rachel x

  20. A fabulous page love the bold colour arrangement.
    The bruising on your leg - would be hard to recreate those colours on paper. Take care.
    Avril xx

  21. Lovely collection of red tones collaged perfectly , Brenda . Another great panel to add to your collection.

    You sure do have a nasty injury there . Hope you haven't been too uncomfortable with it and that the pain has been manageable.
    fingers crossed it won't be long now
    take care
    hugs x


In these busy times I know how difficult it is to find the time to visit blogs so I feel very privileged you have stopped by here. I love to read your comments so thank you for leaving one. Hugs Brenda xxx